Reviews for Renegade Weyr
CelineSSauve chapter 18 . 10/15/2010
I admit that I had to go back and check the earlier chapters for M'taren (brownrider who snuck the holders to Bitra, in case I wasn't the only one), and N'nyal's a greenrider. M'rocav, I remembered, is the bronzerider that they want as the new WeyrLeader?

Don't take that a sign of poor writing on your part (my mind's a siv;) but do keep it up! I want to know how the poor, forgotten browner managed to get himself (and as such his Lifemate) killed... 0_0
CelineSSauve chapter 17 . 10/8/2010
The "N'kar bit" being the previous chapters, I take it. (My mind had expected he'd suddenly show up at her Weyr, for some reason;)

Very nicely done, though the fact that Z'char could threaten and injure other riders makes me wonder about the quality of his bronze. Though, in theory, that sorry creature _could_ be sleeping. At least until Lysith woke up the Weyr.

Keep it up, please! And I will keep feeing your Muse with reviews. :p
Pern Dreamer chapter 17 . 10/7/2010
Oooo, he is crazy. Glad to see she has a new friend. Looking forward to more of this very intriguing story.
whiteraven93 chapter 16 . 8/27/2010
Ooh, it's coming closer. I don't know how much longer this can be dragged out, but I'm loving every minute of it. I wonder how Kayta and Malena will react when they (hopefully) are reunited. Can't wait for more! :)
RemorasFinalHope chapter 16 . 8/24/2010
i like it. It gets better every chapter. i find myself waiting with held breath for the next one. keep up the good work
ruth hammond chapter 16 . 8/22/2010
I realize that you have just updated, but I have enjoyed[been spoiled]being able to continuously reading the story...not very patient...

looking forward to more soon[please]
ruth hammond chapter 9 . 8/21/2010
I was just reading the author's notes in chapter 10 [I had already read them in previous chapters, but it did not sink in] that you had a new beta...may I extend my appreciation to the beta for a job well done...get so tired sometimes when someone who is a good writer, but not with the grammar or is a pleasure to read this story!
ruth hammond chapter 8 . 8/21/2010
this is a cute story...

the more she tries, the deeper the hole!
CelineSSauve chapter 16 . 8/20/2010
Indeed, what _are_ you up to now. ;)

Well done.

More please!
RemorasFinalHope chapter 15 . 8/19/2010
I have loved this story, and i can't wait for more chapters. You've done an amazing job so far. Congrats and keep up the good work.
RemorasFinalHope chapter 7 . 8/19/2010
Okay...this is more of a question then a review, but don't ground crews scann all lands after a fall, not just populated areas...i mean, i though Thread proliferated quickly one in the ground, so wouldn't they spread quickly through a forests grassy topsoil? anyways,it's still a great story so far. hope it keeps up the quality.
RemorasFinalHope chapter 2 . 8/19/2010
Better then the first chapter. XD I like how the characters all have their own distinct personalities. and it proves correct the ancient proverb "Alcohol makes any girl look better" XD
RemorasFinalHope chapter 1 . 8/19/2010
I liked how this started out. i hope the next 14 are just as good at least. definitly a fun read. I think it might have given me a few ideas for some of my future Fan-fics actually. _
whiteraven93 chapter 15 . 7/1/2010
Wow, this is a really great story so far. I love it. I'm curious to know exactly why Elanth can't understand N'bel's bronze.

It does seem that you've gotten confused on the meanings of "where" and "were" though. "Where" refers to place. "Were" is the past tense of "was". You also switch the possessive and plural (eg. dragonrider's possessive; dragonriders plural).
EdGreenberg chapter 15 . 6/4/2010
Not as much a review as a comment of encouragement to continue and complete the story.

Your writing is really enjoyable and I'm quite taken with the story and it's implications. You've raised questions and created suspense, and I'm looking forward to answers and resolution.

Many thanks.
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