Reviews for River of Dreams
Guest chapter 19 . 5/30/2024
I really hope there is a way for him to get his arm back! Maybe a magical version of prosthetics? I feel really bad for Snape!
Guest chapter 17 . 5/30/2024
I love all of the comments that Snape keeps to himself! I don't know how he manages to keep a straight face!
Guest chapter 16 . 5/30/2024
I love how Snape just accepts the fact that Hagrid brought back a giant with him. The man does not care as long as people don't bother him.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/29/2024
That was amazing, and I can't wait to keep reading!
Rimante chapter 19 . 12/6/2023
Quien es fuera de control aquí es Poter. Es una crueldad cobardía y bajesa enormes acosar a un por decir moribundo con sus mesquinas excusas y todavía adornadas de reproches. Asceroso hasta mareo.
Cali Horton chapter 52 . 10/21/2023
Ahhh! Cliff hanger! Love your story
Guest chapter 46 . 10/29/2022
When would snape say “hols”?
Guest chapter 1 . 10/22/2022
This is brilliant fic!
Guest chapter 45 . 9/7/2022
Its goooodddddd
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 52 . 7/25/2022
I love this! So they’ve gotten out of the self locking dungeon. How did they even get in there in the first place? Love that Harry fell asleep reading next to Snape! I really hope this fic is continued! I want to see the Order find out Harry’s a Horcrux as well as have the Weasley family find out too! And have Harry realize he’ll have to die. They also need to start destroying the Horcruxes. The diadem needs to be removed and destroyed with the basilisk venom! I love the banter and the characters mesh really well with how you’ve written them. I hope you come back to it soon! I hope you see this! :)
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 51 . 7/25/2022
Damn. So are the Dementors still at Azkaban? Why didn’t Harry’s Patronus join the herd of other Patronus’s? Love that Tonks’ is a wolf! For Remus! I hope this fic is updated! It’s really good! :)
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 50 . 7/25/2022
Lmaooo. McGonagall and Snape’s friendship is great. Love their banter. I really hope this fic gets updated! :)
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 49 . 7/25/2022
Harry doesn’t realize he’ll have to die? Good lord. And Snape’s first part of his plan was to taunt Lucius? Very confused about that. Unless what he said has hidden meaning and Lucius now knows Draco and Narcissa are somewhere safe?
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 48 . 7/25/2022
Uh, Harry knows what can destroy a Horcrux! Basilisk venom! Why didn’t Harry tell Snape that? So McGonagall is mad at Snape for telling Harry he’s a Horcrux? I hope we see the Order learn Harry’s a Horcrux and get the locket from Sirius’ vault.
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 47 . 7/25/2022
Lol. Harry wanting to do detention with Snape rather than Filch. So Draco helped his classmates? What? Love that Poppy and Dumbledore tried to get Snape and Moody to do therapy together. And then they had Harry keep the door open. I hope the basilisk eye is fine.
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