Reviews for A Wee Tale
clara200 chapter 5 . 10/1/2019
Haha! I bet they would rather Shredder would bust in and fight them than hear this.
Guest chapter 5 . 7/1/2019
Hahaha this was a really cool story! But honestly if it was me in Leo's situation I honestly wouldn't thought about it being embarrassing since knowing we were all young and stupid at the time if anything if I was in Leo's situation I would of had laughted at myself I can reassure you guys I'm tellung the truth cause my parents has told us a lot of embarrassing things me and my brothers did as a kid and I mostly laughted at myself whenever they tell those stories to us and never really considered them as embarrassing
turtlefanforever13 chapter 1 . 3/31/2019
This is so cute and so adorable! I love the family dynamics and humor. A wonderful story and great idea that is well written. Thank you!
Rachael thomson chapter 2 . 10/22/2017
Good idea threaten to invite friends over to make sure they listen to story (even if it's embarrassing)
PAndagirl53 chapter 5 . 7/30/2016
Oh my god! : ,'D
Picturing in my head, turtle tot Mikey's "Face scrunched up in determination" is the most adorable thing EVER! And I NEVER thought I would say that about potty training.
: ", D
This was a really great story: hats off to you.
GobblewonkerJeb chapter 5 . 2/9/2016
i think i just laughed up my stomach.
CDR. Grae chapter 5 . 4/15/2014
Oh my god, that was TOO embarrassing! I swear my own face got redder while I was reading this. It's kinda unfortunate that it was Leo who was the last to use the potty. He'll be the subject of humiliation for weeks!

I BET LEO TOOK THE PIC OF SPLINTER DOING HIS BUSINESS! Or some other embarrassing pic of Splinter. I dunno. I hope you dropped more clues! This is just hilarious! XD DEFINTELY going on my favorites list!
crazyturtlegal chapter 5 . 3/30/2014
omg this made me laugh out loud! it is so pricelessly funny!
GirlforGod99 chapter 5 . 10/23/2013
Hahaha...this was funny!
acd chapter 2 . 12/15/2012
I wish it hade more people in it
Misc. Thief chapter 5 . 10/25/2012
One part that really sent me into a fit of giggles is the fact tha you used December 3rd as your first date... You see, that's my birthday, which made the situation all that more humorous for me! Anyway, it was a great story!
LenniluvsBrian chapter 3 . 11/2/2011
I am literally sitting here with my hand over my mouth LOL at Raph almost going down the toilet & his nightmares.

And I SO know what little Mikey means. Haha. You're slow Sensei. Hehe.

somebodieswholovethisstory chapter 3 . 9/25/2011
"Sit!" I just can't stop sayin' it:'sit!' Raph: Hey Mikey, eat 'sit' and die. LOL
AlexHamato chapter 5 . 4/26/2010
wow this is... wow... so cute! i couldnt stop laughing! if my mother or father, wow... and raph! i really cant put into words how great this story is or how happy it made me feel :D great story and all your other stories are great as well! your just an amazing writer :D
Lina03 chapter 5 . 3/23/2010
LOL, oh my this is so original and hilarious, I love it! Thanks for sharing! _
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