Reviews for Guppy
Avalonemyst chapter 4 . 12/19/2020
A very enjoyable tale. Thank you.
ferryboat George chapter 4 . 10/19/2011
Well I'm glad you finally finished it, better late than never, as so many fics end up :( I'm also glad you finished it because it was hilarious, I love your version of the whales, and besides, there have to be more than one sea creature in the ocean, so this could still be canon, just a different creature.
BMc chapter 4 . 6/26/2011
Just discovered this story, roaming through archives for an SGA fix - and I love it. Must admit I'm glad I didn't find it before it was finished, that would have been frustrating... thank you for the completion. Don't care if the "whale" isn't canon, the people are spot-on. Well done!
Azamiko chapter 4 . 12/28/2010
*cackles* Grappler beats Beckett puppet every time!

angw chapter 4 . 12/17/2010
A great adventure in the sea and addition to the episode :)
JenniferAnn0124 chapter 4 . 11/28/2010
Loved the story! Great work!
flah7 chapter 4 . 11/27/2010
It wanted to play fetch! that was awesome. Loved the description of the not whale-whale thing wanting to play fetch.

The description of Radek was hysterical.

Ronon and Teyla's plan was fantastic. I wonder if it would have worked.

Rodney not giving up on the Tomato discussion was awesome.

wonderful descriptions, awesome dialogue, fantastic action.

Definitely worth the wait.
SGAavidreader chapter 4 . 11/25/2010
Yeh! So glad you finished this story for us. Unfortunately, I still really wonder if puppet Carson would have worked. Even Kolya (at least the Sheppard imagined version) thought using John's disembodied hand would work. I wish we knew- you could have let Ronan experiment just a little before the end.
sablecain chapter 4 . 11/24/2010
meager payoff? No way! Best Thanksgiving present ever! Ok, well close anyway. Go Fetch lassie! Delightful followup to the ep! Next time, just don't make us wait quite so long.
Silverthreads chapter 4 . 11/24/2010
Excellent story! NT was right to make you finish it. :)

Now if only you and she would both write more SGAs. :)
SGAavidreader chapter 3 . 11/24/2010
Thank you so much for coming back to this story. I read it awhile ago only to realize it had never been completed and I figured I was out of luck. I really enjoy the writing and hope another chapter will be out soon.
ElisaD263 chapter 3 . 11/24/2010
So glad you continued with your story! \0/

Having a great time reading it!

"Worst rescue ever..." The soft grumble from behind brought a fierce grin to Sheppard's face."...So VERY our boys!

Poor Ronon! Having to deal with Carson as the driver of the Jumper...funny! But..what's it seems that Carson will be out due to something hitting the jumper! Oh my! Hope you post the next chapter very soon! I'll be waiting! _
ElisaD263 chapter 2 . 11/24/2010
Love this chapter! Carson and his apprehension of working with all things was a blast to read! But in all the funny parts, the concern for Rodney came through loud and clear! Well done! Now, on to the next chapter!
Silverthreads chapter 3 . 11/24/2010
I like your reptiles even better than the whales. Also, we need more non-romance team adventures with a wounded Rodney. :D
ElisaD263 chapter 1 . 11/24/2010
Wow! Great first chapter! Love how Rodney even tho he is hurt is still with it enough to realize John and Radek mention of the shield and moving into the co-pilot's seat wanting to know what is going on...that's our Rodney!

On to the second chapter! _
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