Reviews for Old Soldiers Never Die
Lady Valkyra chapter 3 . 12/21/2024
the uniform discussions would make a great one-shot!
demonboy121986 chapter 14 . 11/14/2024
All hail Dobby...
demonboy121986 chapter 11 . 11/14/2024
I have read this before and so far the only thing missing is one Dobby the amazing.
Papatrixie chapter 7 . 10/12/2024
Delighted with Omake ref to WEB Griffin series. Been a Griffin fan for 30 years, actually longer than I’ve been a Harry Potter fan.
MrsFH chapter 26 . 10/5/2024
Fabulous! Very unusual and interesting story. Thanks so much for sharing it.
Hermiones Adventures chapter 26 . 9/16/2024
Just finished the story and couldn’t put it down. Thank you so much for writing something so different to everything else out there. Been reading HP fanfic for years and it took me looking up other people’s favorite stories to finally stubble upon your work. I absolutely adored the side stories that you added at the end of McLain with his granddaughters and wishes there were more of them. Can’t wait to see what other stories you have.
Blueberry Babe chapter 26 . 9/3/2024
excellent story. very enjoyable change from the noral stories. I would like to find mre stories like this. thank you.
Jake Crepeau chapter 24 . 8/31/2024
Glad to see someone who knows that the US actually WON the Tet offensive, contrary to what the media of the time told us.
Jake Crepeau chapter 16 . 8/31/2024
"Combat is no place for reporters." It all depends on the reporters. Some of the ones in WWII and even Viet Nam were downright heroic.
Jake Crepeau chapter 14 . 8/31/2024
Inspections are indeed a nuisance, but I suppose the adage about giving enlisted men something to do to keep them out of trouble applies to some noncoms and officers, too. ;D
Jake Crepeau chapter 12 . 8/31/2024
Of course, if you have a family background like Harry's, then Basic Training/Boot Camp is actually easy and fun. Been there, done that. Best six weeks of my life. ;D
Jake Crepeau chapter 9 . 8/31/2024
One thing wrong with your "disclaimer." If it's a corrupt government, just TALKING against them may get you thrown in jail. ;D
Jake Crepeau chapter 3 . 8/31/2024
And besides, as I know from my own military experience, most - even NCOs - would say, "I don't care. Whatever you issue, I wear it." ;D
Siriusmunchkin chapter 26 . 8/27/2024
That was a lot of fun!
Siriusmunchkin chapter 19 . 8/26/2024
Loving this story! The only good death eater is a dead one.

Little girl after my own heart
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