Reviews for In Reverse
WriterRider chapter 31 . 8/29
I finally finished this story after MONTHS of it being on my to-read list… and I got a couple of things to say:
1. I was intimidated by the size for a case-fic but I’m so glad it was this long. You call your writing ‘excessive’ but you have a stylistic flow that, well… *flows*, and I can tell it’s something your just being true to your style in. It’s not forced. So I’m really glad you didn’t try to crop it down.
2. You NAILED the characters. All of them. Even the OC’s—which is weird to say, but it’s true. You kept everyone true to themselves, and gave them all an inner dynamic of traits that was really cool to see.
3. I really, really, really love how you wrote Sam and Dean’s contrast. It was pure, and real, and sweet while not being excessive or unrealistic. You really made me appreciate them more, which is something that I NEVER thought I would say because I already appreciate them at a 500 on a 10 scale—you just upped it to 600…
4. I think you’re a really talented writer. Every writer has what makes them unique, and I want to point out that you are REALLY fantastic at pacing, and story structure. Like… really good. You don’t sacrifice a good story for a good paragraph, and that’s something I’m jealous of because I often beat myself up so much about the details that I forget the big picture. I don’t know if that’s something you struggle with, but if you do, you DEFINITELY overcame it with this story, at least *for* this story, lol. (Oh the ups and downs of writing!)
5. Thanks for sharing this story
Ash chapter 31 . 8/19
Awesome story.. so so good!
Beth chapter 31 . 7/20
malin.gisela chapter 31 . 7/17
I'm obviously VERY late to the party here - in 2024 and all, and almost a bit embarrassed to say that I read this entire thing in the span of two days... but I couldn't pace myself. Once I started I just had to know what was happening and now that I'm done I'm left with that amazing feeling when you want to go back and read it again to pick up on anything you missed. When I stumbled across this recommendation on another site, it was labeled as a true fandom classic and I can see why! I'm still amazed every time I stumble across absolute gems like this story, in 2024, nearly 10 years after the show ended but I'm so grateful for it. Thank you for sharing your wonderful talent and for using it to expand on the universe we love so much. You wrote both Sam and Dean so wonderfully, and I really enjoyed how you portrayed the relationship between the boys and John. Thanks again!
GC chapter 31 . 4/6
This is still my favorite SPN fic a million years later. Timeless. I love revisiting it. Please never take this down!
Marley chapter 1 . 3/14
Not sure if I've left this message before or not - but I just wanted to say I know that you wrote this story YEARS ago but I still read it at least once a year and fall in love with it all over again. Literally impossible to put down every single time and when I think "best of Supernatural" I'm thinking of this fic. It's brought me a lot of joy over the last few years. Thank you for the work that went into it! AND for sharing it with the world!
krzyktty chapter 1 . 3/4
Just wanted to let you know that after all these years, I still love this story sooo much. It is the only story I still come on for :D.
animallover24678 chapter 31 . 2/21
that was a good story omg i was invested but i also think it dragged too long and not satisfying enough reveal to sams friends
animallover24678 chapter 30 . 2/21
animallover24678 chapter 29 . 2/21
animallover24678 chapter 28 . 2/21
gosh the angst
animallover24678 chapter 25 . 2/21
istg if main character depth
animallover24678 chapter 23 . 2/21
animallover24678 chapter 22 . 2/20
aww sam no
animallover24678 chapter 20 . 2/20
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