Reviews for Chrysalis
Aphistas chapter 22 . 7/8/2006
Oh, i'm so sorry i have never reviewed befor, but i only just got my account set up, but i have to say that ur story has been one of the best i have ever read, i whenever i see u have updated, i always get a "happy"! Oh, i need more, especially since Draco is now finished! they NEED to get together, PLEASE! love your fantasticly written story; more please?
angelsammi chapter 22 . 7/8/2006
come back harry! dont walk away! :(
Gentlewatersoul chapter 22 . 7/8/2006
I can't wait to see what's going to happen now!
439537 chapter 22 . 7/8/2006
Oh no's just beginning...I refuse to believe it's over, and so should you. Give it a bit, and then go get your man! *grins* Can't wait for the last chapter, thanks for writing!
Jhaylin chapter 22 . 7/8/2006
Well I can't wait to see what you plan on doing with the manor. I mean, it must be something unique if it's not a museum, school, or hospital, seeing as those are the most obvious choices. *Sigh* Only one more chapter. I'm so sad.
olupotter18 chapter 22 . 7/7/2006
man this was great but man it took like the second to the last chapter for them to kiss each other i cant wait to see wht happen next hope it great well bye until next time lol (had to say that) lol
sylphstarwind chapter 21 . 7/7/2006
I missed another one. Dammit!

I'm glad I caught it, though. It's a good one. Pansy's all bitchy but then she calms down and tells him why she did it... Seems like she wasn't so terrible after all. And the stuff about how Draco was obsessed with Harry, you are really making me think this could be true from reading the book. Aww. X3

BTW, I like your divider thingy: (if that shows up) How do you do that? Could I use it?

Anyhoo, shweet talk between the two. Still haven't really resolved anything, but still, some interesting stuff brought up.
sylphstarwind chapter 22 . 7/7/2006
Dean's black! Wow, I miss a lot... O.o

Lucius seems much more observant than me ; He knows what's going on between Harry and Draco, too. Haha, he's so forward about it. And I wonder if he approves of it, since he seems to think it should happen... Aww. I'm beginning to like him (though I thought he was kind of good-looking in the movies anyway, haha).

Ep, is this the end? It totally crept up on me. Oh, so there's one more epilogue? Heh, well I'll look forward to it. The ending for this chappy was good; it wasn't too predictable, it wasn't too mushy (just a bit), it wasn't totally sad (they're splitting up for now, though T_T), and it was satisfying.
withoutaname chapter 22 . 7/7/2006
thrnbrooke chapter 22 . 7/7/2006
I think I'm heartbroken! No! I know I'm heartbroken. Just once. Draco is finally out of the program. He's back to his own age. He decided to make a clean break. I want to smack them both! Really I do! *sigh* I'm going to go cry now! Need more immediately! I need to be cheered up!
gabo0 chapter 21 . 7/7/2006
Hi again!

Sorry for taking so lon to read this chapter, but I just seemed not to have time U_U*!

SO, that was awkard. I mean, is Draco really that good of a person? I mean, I would have kept all those dark articles for me , to play, I dont know. No one knows what are they going to do with them at the ministry! Authority can be corrupt too

Abput the last part, I think it was probably one of the most awkard conversations ever. I mean.. I dont know. It was so weird to look at two guys that like each other but one of them is just.. I dont know really because Harry had a point, but still. He has Draco there, saying he wants him, and he sits there and says that he isnt sure..

I dont know.

Anyway, I hope the next chapter comes soon! This new Draco, even with his *goodness*, its all cute and lovable ! I love it

ESP chapter 1 . 7/7/2006
read this!
demonrubberducky chapter 21 . 7/3/2006
Gasp! I love your story! I've kept my distance from Harry/Draco stories in the past because people usually mess them up, but this one is wonderful! I can't wait for the last 2 chapters.

Tee hee, and I love the healing power of movies and computer games!
Renap chapter 21 . 7/3/2006
This is good,waiting for the next update.
kasmo chapter 21 . 7/3/2006
In this chapter, Pansy didn't seem too bad. She at least wanted Draco to have a good life, even if it would be without her. I suppose hearing about someone's dead daughter isn't the best way to change your views either. That's why I like Harry's way. If you showed them the way Muggles lived and the type of entertainment they have, it would make it easier to relate to them. First hand experience is always the best. It's too bad things could't have worked out differently. I still think they're too young to be put back in Azkaban.
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