Reviews for Chrysalis
happybunny688 chapter 4 . 3/5/2006
loved it. Go Remus
avihenda chapter 3 . 2/26/2006
lol Draco is loosening up:-)

can't wait for the next chapter
zeitgeistic chapter 3 . 2/26/2006
Utterly adorable Draco. It's so hard to picture him so small. *smiles wistfully*
happybunny688 chapter 3 . 2/25/2006
love it
Niveous Lilt chapter 3 . 2/25/2006
i love it!update soon
msberry chapter 3 . 2/25/2006
Very interesting start - looking forward to seeing how it develops.
theALMIGHTYkat chapter 1 . 2/25/2006
I get the feeling that I've already read this story. Regardless, it's still good.

Continue writing so I can decide if I either hate or love your writing.
gabo0 chapter 3 . 2/25/2006

Definitely now it looks like a different fic. I loved this chapter. The first movie scene was pretty, I liked Chris too on that movie xD.

Also, the last part was pretty. I loved how Draco bumped out of wherever they were to look fot the game xD. Unless If understood it wrong, I think it was prettu cute.

Ah! Why Harry wants to help so much. There was something I kind of caught on the conversation with Remus, but I dont want to speculate yet

So.. now, I'll stay here waiting for the next chappie! I really liked it

gabo0 chapter 2 . 2/25/2006

Oh, poor Draco U_U. Hey, this fic looks A LOT like afic I read a huge while ago.. Some parts I think are exactly the same. I hink it was called Second Chances, but the author erased it or stopped updating. Anyway, maybe it was yours, maybe its a coincidence.. or maybe I'm utterly wrong xD

Anyway, I'll read the next chapter now o. Love this Draco, new to the muggle world

Lytari Talon chapter 2 . 2/24/2006
Interesting! Keep writing!

Lerra chapter 2 . 2/24/2006
I love the idea and I love the way you are writing.
sylphstarwind chapter 2 . 2/20/2006
I like this chapter even more than the last. I can smell the slash already XD

So noble, and cute, that Harry wants to give Draco another chance. He does seem a little bit OOC, a little too nice to Draco. But it's worth that sacrifice, because I am loving this. Draco's first experience with Muggle technology is adorable, too.
avihenda chapter 2 . 2/20/2006
ah! you updated! I'm so glad! :-)

the story is coming along nicly, keep it up!
CuriousDreamWeaver chapter 2 . 2/19/2006
Cute. I thought that Draco was a lot tamer after he'd drunk the potion which was interesting. Please write more!


violet7amethyst chapter 2 . 2/19/2006
Intersting story so far. how to see more of it soon.
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