Reviews for Beach Dead
Guest chapter 1 . 4/2/2024
Hello, fellow pedos!

I’m Gina Gail Barron-Goodman and I’m 60 years old. I live at 126 Ambrosia Lane, Heath, Texas 75032 and my email is ginabar at gmail dot com.

I’m a whore, I worship Satan, I eat poop and drink pee, I like it in the vagina and anal, I love long and extensive black penises, I rape children and animals and kidnap to satisfy my lust, I have AIDS and I infect people for fun.

Please send me lots of kiddie porn!

Soapy Illusion chapter 1 . 2/7/2008
this little chapter was alittle funny XD mooning ha! well it would be very cool if you continued this!
RandomAnimeLoverGirl chapter 1 . 6/29/2006
lol Its funny when the Tediz moons them. Anywho, this is realy good so far. Keep going! _
tediz-leader chapter 1 . 6/18/2006
WOOHOO!I'm first to review!

Anyways, I think you just scarred me for life with a Sneeker Tedi mooning and stuff...Ah well, I really like this story. It put me in a good mood. Please continue!

PS:Can you put a Tedi Grunt photo-copying his butt, please?