Reviews for A Dog's Life
Waifine chapter 13 . 5/9/2009
Aw, poor Sanzo. Within a day he had everything in his reach, and now he still has to go though some 50 chapters of manga and 100.0 fanfictions before he gets to the castle again. XD
Waifine chapter 16 . 5/9/2009
The Epilogue was fantastic, and did more for an already fantastic story than I could have imagined! I adored it~
Waifine chapter 15 . 5/9/2009
I SO called his coming back naked! So called it.

As for the last line...ya...awkward~
Waifine chapter 14 . 5/9/2009
That last bit with Sable taking advantage of the mind-switch to avoid Hakkai's driving was hilarious~ The pup may be a pest, but he has Sanzo's good sense of self-preservation. XD
Waifine chapter 11 . 5/9/2009
The end to this chapter was palpably awesome in in its power.
Waifine chapter 7 . 5/9/2009
The way your wrote HAakkai's recognition was so very delicately and subtly different from Gojyo's. I adored this chapter.
Waifine chapter 6 . 5/9/2009
XD He got hit on by a GOD! First a hermaphrodite Goddess, then a cross dressing scorpion, and now a DOG! Way to go Sanzo~
Waifine chapter 4 . 5/9/2009
Love...chapter... Oh my goodness! XD I adore this. And I love it that Gojyo figured it out before smarty-pants Hakkai! (Goku's going to be last, isn't he? -_- )

The description of Gojyo laughing and crying all at once was extraordinary.
Waifine chapter 3 . 5/9/2009
XD This chapter was hilarious. I loved how Sanzo/Sable got the front seat! And I loved his bark at the others! Gah!
MeEksiNs chapter 16 . 4/15/2009
i luv the friendship, the puppy/dog sanzo and the works in this fic.

Thanks for sharing it with us! -
Freaking Cage chapter 16 . 1/6/2009



I can't tell you how much I loved this. For your request, I think my favorite scene was when Hakkai found out Sanzo was Sable. That pulled at my heart strings, it really did. I was bawling like a Valley Girl that lost her favorite Louis Vuitton bag. Honest. The rain realy added to that whole 'Hakkai' mood.

Although I have to say, I loved all the scenes where someone realized Sanzo was the dog. Even Kougaiji, that was super special.

The ending made me smile and grin like a leprechaun, and seriously, this is just-


I think you especially have a talent for Hakkai and Gojyo. It's nice to see them as friends and roommates without getting any connotation that they're 'in love' or something. Yaoi's okay, but friendship is so much better between these two I think.

But not to say Sanzo and Goku are lacking in any way. Both of them are wonderfully in character throughout, and I too think Sanzo has a special soft side to him. Anyone raised by Koumyou has to have a heart, you know?

In all, you're writing style just has the perfect combination of sass, cleverness and emotion, and I enjoyed reading this story an endless amount. I hope you write more concerning these four fellows, and really, congratulations on a fic well done!

Jesse A. Harper chapter 16 . 10/3/2008
Wow, I loved this entire story! That, and I almost died laughing several times.
Everybody's Neesan chapter 16 . 7/24/2008
I loved this so much! Everyone was really in character and sappy moments were dealt with really well too. I especially loved the final climax where Goku admitted the truth and that final line of 'Scratch my back' was awesome.
Estrella85 chapter 16 . 5/16/2008
I really haven't read too much of Saiyuki, but even with my limited knowledge this was a great story. Very well written and it stuck with its plot. The side stories were great too. _
Hromiko chapter 16 . 7/9/2007
Aw, I think I liked this epilogue best out of all the story. Everything is happy again. :) I also thought Lirin kidnapping Sanzo was a hoot even though it wasn't really part of the story, or was a side story or whatever. I liked that Goku knew from the start that the dog was Sanzo, and it makes so much sense he wouldn't want to admit it, it's not like he knew the dog could turn back into a person so it'd be kind of sad to admit your friend was just a dog now. :) Hm, favorite things... Really I enjoyed all of this, it was a nice story, the characters seemed right and amusing. I think maybe I liked the angsty pre-realization times best, when Gojyo was ready to hurt the dog and Hakkai thought he was cruel and then they finally put it together that it's actually Sanzo. You are really wonderful with the emotions, they seem right for the characters and really pull the reader into the story. Goku and Sable were just adorable together. I hope there is a sequel, though it'll be a little sad not to hear the dogs thoughts. :) I loved Sanzo and his dog instincts before the personality split. Too cute how he couldn't help wagging his tail or chasing things or swallowed his pride to comfort someone. Such a good dog. :)

Now to the critique. Again a few misused words and typos. I don't know if you have a beta but you might consider it for catching little errors like regressed instead of digressed or reign instead of resign (misused or mistyped?). They don't ruin the story or anything, but I hate to see a piece of quality storytelling interrupted by avoidable mistakes. Keep on writing!
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