Reviews for Bungle in the Jungle: A Harry Potter Adventure
chahat4u chapter 5 . 8/21
Bill has no right to lecture Bill . Dumbledore is still doing thievery. I hate that Bill. Some of his family 's Dumbledore's worship and immoral code which approves thievery and trickery is bound to pass on to him.
rmw5763 chapter 14 . 7/31
rmw5763 chapter 9 . 7/30
That was very inventive, would be fun to watch. Thanks for this, it's a different perspective.
IdkbutIsortado chapter 23 . 7/20
Goddamn. I found this cause I was looking for some fucks with guns and a Reddit post led me here. After three days of solid reading, I fucking love this fic. One of my favourites. Thank you for this awesome story. (Even if the Canadians could have mby made a bit more of an appearance I weirdly liked Amy)
rynmswtng chapter 18 . 7/6
i wish we had got a luna and loony pov, memebers of the order pov, ministry of magic pov and voldemort pov, guess that would probaly make the story longer. Hopefully, in the sequel
lukeanimelover chapter 2 . 5/5
I dont think i am liking this…
jmcninch316 chapter 23 . 3/13
excellent story. glad I gave it a listen
l30rusty chapter 12 . 2/17
some great comedy scenes within its a great read
BeyondTheDive chapter 23 . 1/9

It has been so long since I've read something so original and interesting, bravo! I can't wait to read the sequel, I'm starting it right now
Ryuuze chapter 23 . 12/13/2023
This was great, slightly weird with the second person, but you get used to it.
Blueberry Babe chapter 23 . 11/25/2023
excellent story. I really enjoyed this. well done and thanks.
szw5009 chapter 23 . 11/3/2023
HeartsGlow chapter 22 . 11/3/2023
I've just read this whole thing ... AGAIN! Love this story
Alwin chapter 23 . 11/1/2023
Very good story, well written despite the constant part tense - present tense switch and first person perspective. Some mistakes, mostly of the “they/they’re/their” calibre but I just ignored them.
HeartsGlow chapter 20 . 11/3/2023
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