Reviews for A sky, far, far away
Guest chapter 6 . 7/27/2024
Are you gonna continue? This is amazing
Guest chapter 4 . 4/20/2024
Beautiful writing.
Guest chapter 6 . 8/3/2023
Please update the story. Please!
moodysavage chapter 3 . 6/8/2023
Hmmm...I can tell you are pretty young because this story definitely needed some more conversation and development of Hermione joining their cobversation on the train and coming up with a plan. That happened way too quickly. However, those conversations with the sorting hat were really great. Especially the one with Ron lol. Hope you keep writing
T1962 chapter 6 . 2/11/2023
Wow just wow. hoping that muse bunnies jump into your filesI am so invested in this storyline
hg2010 chapter 6 . 12/28/2022
hii! I truly love this work! Please do update!
kmagarden chapter 6 . 2/22/2022
Sad to see that this never went anywhere. The premise is so well done and intriguing. Great job on what was done. Disappointed I will not see more.
ArgentiSolis chapter 6 . 2/5/2021
sillykitty201 chapter 1 . 10/14/2020
this is really good I love the philosophy behind everything and I really wish there was more!
Guest chapter 6 . 8/22/2020
This book is really fantastic. Finally something completely different. It would be really nice if there were more chapters.

Greetings from Germany
Herdcat chapter 6 . 2/27/2020
I really enjoyed this story - I have never read a fic where ALL of them went to Slytherin and it sort of makes sense especially Ron whose ambition was made a big deal of throughout the books as he was sick of being overlooked.
befewa02 chapter 6 . 10/14/2019
Bitte schreib weiter, die Geschichte ist klasse!
Please write more, its a perfect Story!
RavenLilyRose chapter 6 . 6/27/2019
I know that it's been quite a while since you updated this story, and so I am unsure whether or not you will see this, but I just wanted to say that i love both your writing style and the way that you are putting this story together. The characters are written beilliantly, and there is the perfect mix of mystical feeling, the hard and dirty facts of life, and just a dash of humor to keep it interesting. I won't beg you to write more, because I know how annoying that is, I just wanted to let you know how much i appreciate what you have written.
Samwise Pevensie chapter 4 . 1/27/2019
Lovely phrasing - like the writing style x
tricorvus chapter 6 . 1/5/2019
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