Reviews for After the pain
kamalrifka1 chapter 14 . 12/2/2023
I cant be the only kne who thinks Naruto raising a Rape baby is beyond messed up like tf am I reading rn
Username6166 chapter 12 . 7/6/2023
Temari has every right to abort a rape baby.
Austin chapter 1 . 4/24/2023
absolutely love this already lol
grimme chapter 12 . 3/11/2023
innocent life faction huh?
honestly after all the misspellings and wrong phrases along with the inexperienced approach to the subject my patience was already wearing thin now you have your own ooc naruto turn ooc just to tell your own opinion?

a word of caution to future readers if you arent a supporter of pressuring raped women to give birth of the kids of their violators because its innocent life you shouldnt read further.
as for me... well even if a person is categorically against abortion, this should probably be the one exception everyone agrees on. her life, her future possible child, her decision
mephy chapter 6 . 3/10/2023
she couldnt tell if they were akatsuki because they covered their protectors...
well the cloak would have been a dead give away or mentions of their superior...
whats the difference between a normal missing nins protector and a akatsuki one? does the later have traces of nailpolish?

and your selling the horror for the victim short by a mile
kasume dior chapter 16 . 3/9/2023
this is amazing though you need to work on your spelling i would gladly edit for you
Guest chapter 4 . 8/21/2022
Nothing makes sense just like naruto storey line
Guest chapter 15 . 8/21/2022
So trash
Corza701 chapter 30 . 8/6/2022
I know this story will never be completed but I hope I knew what the ending to this story would be one of the best Naruto Temari fanfic out there
MirageSPL chapter 3 . 2/8/2022
Don't rape victims usually react badly to someone touching them?
Aptxkudou4869 chapter 30 . 10/22/2021
I hope you can update. If not, thank you for your work till now. This has been a most immersive read; It has been very difficult to stop reading even for a short while.

Hope you're safe, healthy and happy in these troubling times.

Guest chapter 1 . 8/8/2021
Your story sucks it's distasteful and rape victim would never want to be in a relationship after what the experience so what are you do please discontinue this story why you still have a chance to and while you're at it get a life loser
Lore Horse chapter 30 . 6/25/2021
5 years since the last update? That sucks. This is a good story and I reeeeally want to know how it ends.
Joshbbeer chapter 25 . 4/17/2021
Waste of a chapter
Joshbbeer chapter 23 . 4/17/2021
Stop fucking about so much just get to the point
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