Reviews for Love and War (Old Version)
Spidey8764 chapter 30 . 8/31/2024
I was so impatiently to wait for your new remake. I reread the whole story over again . I think I read this story 3 times now. I reply love your writing and the angst you made wolfram go through. Love yurri's possessiveness I feel like they could have given us a bit more in the anime.
Emiko hime-sama chapter 3 . 7/4/2024
I am re reading this again. I know you are rewriting this (and I am avidly waiting for updates!) and I love the latest characterisation but I also think of this version frequently. There’s just something awfully endearing about this Wolfram and Yuuri; they are both so young trapped in impossible decisions.

I hope you never take this down! I like to revisit it once in a while. It’s a story that lingers; there aren’t a lot of fanfics like this anymore.
Ruirangin chapter 31 . 8/19/2023
Wow, I don't know how to praise this work. It was amazing. It took me three days and three nights to read it. It was amazing. Genius!
Craz-ee123 chapter 31 . 12/12/2021
Wow this story has had a special place in my heart for a long time! I truly don’t think there is a fanfic to rival it in the Kyou kara maoh universe. I too was young when I read it, so I’m excited to react to the new changes! I’ll be cheering you on the entire way!
Dream's Light chapter 30 . 8/6/2021
Just finished re-reading this original version. I spotted things I missed before, so enjoyed it more than the first time around. Really looking forward to Chapter 2 of the new Love and War, very happy to read your progress report. All the very best to you and your family!
Keke chapter 30 . 3/15/2021
Hey! Just wanted to say that I re-read the original story in anticipation of the rewrite. Mostly I wanted to say that you really created a beautiful, amazing story, one of the best in the KKM fandom that I ever read. However, what I really wanted to say is that I love your originally characters, namely Lyron, Louis, hell even Illyich. They had so much life, I promise they would have made the KKM canon story a hell of a lot better if they were apart of it. So even though I’m mostly looking forward to how you re-write Yuuram and all that.. I’m just as excited to revisit the scenes and developments regarding your original characters. And I guess one more thing I wanted to get off my chest is that I secretly enjoyed how Wolfram succumbed to Lyron’s desires for the sake of a treaty. I mean, I understand Wolfram is devoted,loyal, in love etcetera, but a part of me wants him to fall in bed with Lyron, i guess in that hoping he will be the one to end Lyron.. I’m sure Lyron wouldnt see it coming, nor Louis. Anyways, I just really wanted to express my interest and admiration for your well written OCs. Really cant wait to read the rewrite and see how you’ll incorporate them (hopefully you will).
Darktenshi17 chapter 31 . 1/1/2021
This is a little late but yes yes yes! I would very much support a remix or anything to do with this story or your writing. I was always such a big fan of this fic and your works in the KKM fandom that I would love to see more from you.
ruru chapter 31 . 12/29/2020
I forgot to congratulate you on your baby! GG!
One request or change that I'd love to see is to make Wolfram a bit more likeable than in the previous fic... At some point it seemed like all what Yuuri and Wolf would do would be arguing, with Wolf making almost everything about himself. I don't believe that is who Wolfram is! I loved the version of Wolfram in "One year" by elarielf, and I think that I'm looking forward to that version of Wolf again!
Otherwhise thank you so much for giving me the joy of reading your fanfic
Have a happy end of year!
ruru chapter 31 . 12/28/2020
I loved it! Please keep writing!
elenareadsmagic chapter 31 . 11/12/2020
Hello! I was wondering if you were still going to keep the original Love and War after publishing the updated version?
Guest chapter 31 . 11/10/2020
I’ve had this saved in my bookmarks since I first read it years ago and when I’m feeling nostalgic or want to escape from day to day things I always come back to it. This story has taken me away from some very black thoughts in my life in the pastand I wanted you to know that.
Now then, the preview, I am at a loss for words. I most definitely liked it and am certainly intrigued to see if you will continue with your rewrite, I am 100% I will love an updated version just as much as I loved the original one.

I’m so very sorry to hear of your previous loss whilst also happy to hear of your good news, I wish you every health and happiness in these most trying of times.
Jhaylin chapter 31 . 10/29/2020
Ahhh I spent so many high school years waiting for updates on this story and now I might get to repeat the experience again like a decade later?! Love it, please continue!

The new scene was so well done! Wolfram having to tamp down his anger and defiance in the face of the Demon King that won’t tolerate any of it is such a tense read, I love this take on the relationship and can’t wait to see more of how it progresses.
Raywolf Shibelt chapter 31 . 10/23/2020
OMG! I just read your bio! Congratulations for having a baby! I meant to send you a message but I no longer have access to my account so hopefully you're reading reviews. And I'm sorry for your loss. I wish you well. And though I'm a fan of your writings in this fandom, I know now real life is more important. I just check from time to time because I really miss Wolfram. I'm still obsessed with Wolfram, ) It's really just Wolfram and Kurapika. If you ever heard of KuroroxKurapika pairing, it's super good too, ) Okay, I'll stop talking! Again, love your work!
Raywolf Shibelt chapter 31 . 10/23/2020
Good thing I check back here! Yey, you're alive! Hehe, kidding! Miss your work! I was just wondering why this fandom is kinda dead. Wanting to read some good stuffs...
Qt xecy chapter 1 . 10/10/2020
a first of all how the f do you have 30 chapters and second of all thank you for 30 chapters third of all thank you for your long ass chapters.
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