Reviews for The Darkness Within
Guest chapter 64 . 12/30/2024
I have re-read this book thousands of times yet never ceases to truly engage me. If any one else writes anywhere near the standard you do I'd be shocked. I love your books and if you make any more please inform me as I will not hesitate to read them. I know this was made some time in 2006 but the hope for new books from you will never die. Thank you. L.A.J.F
Guest chapter 63 . 12/30/2024
Yeah I'd did it my wayyyyy yeabididtitywayyyuy haaaaaaaa dynamite nsmige
Proxygalaxy2.0 chapter 63 . 12/3/2024
Hello, This is Fiction Life,

May I share your Harry Potter story on YouTube with an audience that prefers listening over reading?

Channel link: FictionLife-zl3oc

I will give proper credit in the description of your story and also share the video link under your story comment for your view. We highly respect authors and their copyright.

This is a better way to spread your story to a larger audience. Not only will you gain more hits on your work, but I will also benefit from increased exposure through my channel (monetized).

If you have any suggestions, such as a title starting with “What If” or any other preferences, I am happy to make changes according to your wishes.

I would appreciate your cooperation. Please reply at your earliest convenience with permission.

I have received a rating from ‘Project Copy Knight’ — check the link to see our rating: . / FictionLife-zl3oc.
Thank you!
Lila chapter 65 . 12/1/2024
This is my first reread after so many years, and I just can’t describe how much this story means to me.
It’s so brilliant (though, oh man, I remember thinking the writing style was good back then…).
And I just—

I love everything about it.
I really wish I could forget about this fanfic so I could read it for the first time again.

I still remember my frustration with Harry and how he acted towards James and Lily.

I vividly recall how shocked I was when I found out what really happened—the plot twists were amazing!

But rereading this story was just heartbreaking because I finally understood why Harry behaved the way he did.

Why he made those choices and said those things...

It broke my heart.

And I think that is the saddest part of the whole experience.

Because when you read it for the first time, you’re amazed and fall in love with it.

But when you reread it, it just breaks your heart. It makes you so sad when you finish because you know you will never again feel that incredible feeling of reaching the end of Chapter 64 for the first time.

I am so happy that I found this story, and I’m proud to say it’s my comfort story—it will forever live in my head.
Animeworld2.0 chapter 8 . 10/27/2024

I hope this message finds you well. I run a YouTube channel called Infinity Harry (Channel link: Infinityharry), where I share fanfiction stories with an audience that prefers listening over reading.

I will give proper credit in the description of your story, will also share video link under your story review for your view and we respect authors and their copyright.

If you have any suggestions, such as a title starting with “What If” or any other preferences, I am ready to make changes according to your preferences.

I would appreciate your cooperation. Please reply at your earliest convenience with permission.

Thank you.!
gurubelj chapter 4 . 9/8/2024
Harry is 16 years old and Voldemort still hasn’t conquered Britain?
Sky chapter 24 . 8/3/2024
This is sooooo cool Tysm for making this! Pls add a giant plot twist
Sama chapter 13 . 8/3/2024
Sky chapter 12 . 8/3/2024
I love this
MilkmanPT chapter 35 . 8/2/2024
They're alive?

I want to read the next chapter but for some reason I can't. The page simply get's all white and nothing appears. Help...
Thenoper chapter 65 . 7/28/2024
This was one of the best fanfics i've read, thanks for writing it and i hope you'll find inspiration to write more
Harry chapter 65 . 6/19/2024
That was amazing! Great job! I loved that! It was a pleasure reading this story!
Harry chapter 64 . 6/19/2024
Oh my gosh.
Harry chapter 63 . 6/19/2024
So excited to see how you wrap this up! Of course, I'm sure it will all be okay, but still...
Harry chapter 60 . 6/19/2024
Okay, Voldemort does have a point, though. What is going to stop him from getting to Harry? A couple of Aurors who we already know to be weaker than him? Also, I can't take Voldemort seriously when he uses words like smithereens lol.
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