Reviews for The Neverending Road
yuki chapter 79 . 1/9/2016
next chapter please
Yukumi chapter 79 . 12/10/2015
Just re-Read this story from chapter 1 all the way to the end and it's still touches me in ways that can't be described . It really captures the feeling of Hikaru no go, the strain, the struggle, the longing of old familar times and hopes for the future. It's been a few Christmases since the last update, but I believe in Holiday miracles Yes yes?
Zeke Jones chapter 79 . 12/9/2015
cant believe it's been more than 4 years. First found your story about a month after this chapter was uploaded. Since then i've re-read it about 4 times, still with hope that you would someday continue it.
Guess it's time to say goodbye. thank you! i really enjoyed this as the ending to the manga left so much to be desired, and while this is still so open-ended, at least i still got to see more out of them, and see Hikaru become a real badass.
Anna Bui chapter 79 . 11/12/2015
It's amazing story, I would like to read next Chap. You are an incredible author, I have been read.
I'm so sorry about your son, I hope you can visit him and stay with him more and more. Please tell me something about this. What's going on?
Areen chapter 79 . 9/30/2015
Oh my,despite the well written toya koyo pov and feeling for his son life,its had to believe that u have such a rough life. One will think you care for your son reading (forgot which chapter was it) because the feeling of father-ly is there when i read it. It was special chapter that i like. Most fanfic dont manage to do that.
Im sorr to hear that,its 2015 now,i hope u doing well with our case. I feel sad that this story might not be continue,its a good story,but i also understand u have a life beside writing i just hope u will be living positively and repair the relationship u and ur ex and ur son have.
Thank u so much for bring this story to life. I do enjoy reading such a good fic and this story will always be my fav even its not complete. Even in reality HnG can never have ending like this. Thank u for giving this story a chanse for people like me to read it.
And good luck in ur life. Try to think positive in whatever u do ok. Hope ur life work well.
ZinaThePanda chapter 77 . 9/15/2015
The remaining amount of chapters worry me. I'm really scared. I hate endings. I want it to continue, but I don't want it to meaningless drag on and it's just...urgh
lecthor chapter 79 . 8/27/2015
Wao increĆ­ble, i want next chapter,the 80.
kitanalao chapter 35 . 7/25/2015
hi... well... i am glad with the end with sai help him by showing the move beyond hikaru's current skill. i wonder how hikaru will deal with akari and nase... i like it... again i want you to know that i wish for the best for your real life and i hope you will be back again in the future so you will grant us the new chapter...because i really like this...sadly i will stop reading for now due to my bussines but i'll be back again i also hope that will be when you are update. so see you...
kitanalao chapter 34 . 7/25/2015
oh... hikaru is in dillema now i hope he will be alright?!...
kitanalao chapter 33 . 7/25/2015
hello again... countinue review... i felt bad for hikaru now.. hihihi... now he got a weird dream. hahaha.. i wonder how dealt with ogata now...
kitanalao chapter 32 . 7/25/2015
hi... countinue review. i laugh my self when i read this chapter... poor hikaru now he have a girl problem right before a match against ogata hahaha... i hope that will not affect hikaru concentration.. oh yeah i noticed error review in the last chapter sorry... with limited view on review on comment side i got difficult on reread before posting so once again sorry... of course not getting bore asking you again and again please update... i believe many reader still waiting for you.
kitanalao chapter 31 . 7/24/2015
hello author... it's me again. it's been 8 months since my last review on chapter 30. to be honest i really like your story... especially how describe the match chapter.. well... not every author could write that include me... and you even explain it to us the reader... oh yeah.. well... i think it's safe to tell you that not all reader like nase or akari or even the new pros but it's fine with me since i like the way you made it like canon story... and i to tell you i know you had a problem with your ex girl friend and i wish you good luck.. i only hope you will be back again and update this... please...
natkinnat chapter 32 . 7/19/2015
I know that you planned Nase to be a likable character, but grrr, really just right from the start I felt antipathy toward her, and it only got worse with the fan episode. Now I think I just hate her. It's really an irritating character, I wish there's as little of her in this story as possible. But the story itself is so good, that I cannot drop reading it despite my strong irritation.
Many thanks to you for the story!
DYquem chapter 45 . 7/8/2015
I don't know if you are still reading reviews, but IMO this one stupid already used plot device has ruined the fic. I'm really upset you didn't have the guts to decide who would win or the creativity to come up with something different. A heart attack? Honestly? There is no drama in that. Just sadness at a another fic of 'same old same old'. The fic didnt seem to really be moving anywhere. The Kisei tournament finals was the one real bit of conflict you had in this fic and you just caved. Very sad.
Yona chapter 1 . 5/31/2015
Oh my god, I love this!
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