Reviews for The Neverending Road
LuvAllPokemon chapter 37 . 5/5/2013
I don't think Hikaru was lame for talking with his grandpa at all. I think his grandfather is cool enough to speak about this. I wouldn't talk about it with my grandma, but that's just because of her personality XD

Woah, I hope you make it as a professional writer! I would definitely support you and read your books.

I don't really hate Ochi. Though I can't say I would feel the same in his situation, I understand why he would dislike Akira. Also, I'm glad Ochi doesn't really hate Hikaru. To me it never felt like they felt anything toward each other.

LuvAllPokemon chapter 36 . 5/5/2013
Wow, way to handle Akari, Hikaru. "I DON'T LOVE YOU!" Smartest decision ever. At least Akari loves him enough to know he's an idiot and not be offended. I'm team Akari myself so...

"Had that been her tongue?" I almost died. Oh mischievous Akari, you.

LuvAllPokemon chapter 35 . 5/5/2013
Wow. Heartfelt chapter here. Hikaru actually won huh? Well I kinda already forgot what the bet was for Ogata or if there was even any prize if Hikaru won but yay he gets to move on!


LuvAllPokemon chapter 34 . 5/5/2013
Wow, I wonder who will win? I'm kinda hoping for Ogata to see how Hikaru will handle the situation. I'm glad Kuwabara has such faith on Hikaru. It will be painful for Hikaru to admit that Sai is gone...

Kk chapter 69 . 5/4/2013
Rereading the whole story and just wanted to say I love the comment of akira having an WMO moment. Hehe
mamita chapter 79 . 5/1/2013
Kyaaaa! I love your fic, hopefully soon upload more chapters, I love Hikaru, Hikaru dumb is that sometimes gets into trouble as the others, I like how you match with Akari and Hikaru Nase, not for nothing but stick oh, I love the couple SaixHikaru, especially because I love Hikaru, I love it, it's so cute and uke, although Hikaru is an idiot sometimes lol, and Sai is so "it" also hehe, I like when Touya dominates Hikaru, after all seme see Touya is best, he does so well, although I prefer them in pairs of two and not trios hehe, I love the couple WayaxHikaru is a shame there is not much action between two of them, is one of my favorites, along with the SaixHikaru, and the IsumixHikaru, although not many fics of them, or also that of MitanixHikaru, although there are not many fics of them, I also like a lot, but I also like to see how Hikaru is related to other rivals, I also like other couples, as long as Hikaru is uke, sorry I can not see any other way, lol, keep it up, hopefully do more fics of them, lol, well keep it up, thanks and kisses.
Phebe83a chapter 79 . 4/26/2013
Just a big thank you! I hope you take it one day this text.
Courage! I hope it gets better.
Guest chapter 79 . 2/17/2013
i just found this story two days ago... so idk what ur usual schedule in releasing and updating... but from what i got in ur author's notes... it seems u are in a rocky situation atm but u seem to always come back... i feel hopeful that this story hasnt been dropped... but the fear and doubt is still there (since a lot of people stop updating w/o a goodbye bc they hit a bad patch)... this story is really well written... though i do have my gripes on some stuff... overall i find this story really good... very good... the quality is really nice...

it seems you are going through a nightmare of a situation and i hope u pull through.. . i know this doesnt really help ur situation... and im not really in the position to give out advice but good luck :DDDDDDD
kitanalao chapter 15 . 2/17/2013
waw... nice development. so now hikaru will have to kuwabara right? i'll look forward to it. and i like hikaru thingking to take one step at the time. it's just like wow... he is even more mature now. no wonder nase was attracted to him. i am sure waya and the other feel it too... despite hikaru declined hahaha...

and about the last part when you show waya's match against isumi in meijin preliminaries. yeah... that's surprising. but i am happy waya win. first because i want waya to improve one step. eventhough isumi was supossed to be more stronger than waya. but well...

so thenext one will be hikaru against kuwabara honinbou in the 1st match kisei league. well... just like i said before i'll look for it. but sadly i had to stop readinh and review to my bussiness but i'll be back when i had a time. and i hope you will update again because i'd noticed you didn't update in along time... so see you
LuvAllPokemon chapter 33 . 2/16/2013
Haha, I knew the dream sequence was a dream. It was really obvious. Not much to comment on, but good job anyways :D
GxTBilly chapter 79 . 2/15/2013
I really do hope this story isn't dead i enjoy it so much i would call it a direct continuation to the actual series since i kinda hate the ending of the manga xD Anyways hoping to see an update.
kitanalao chapter 14 . 2/15/2013
this was fun and friendly chapter. both in first and second part of the chapter. i even wonder who was manipulated hikaru's mind to buy a computer. but... aghh... i forgot. silly me. must be waya who had pursued hikaru to buy one. since hikaru was ignorance person since he had passion in go. i like the waya tease him about his relationship with nase... i laughed a little when i read it. but i wonder what will akira think now, because nase told akira that... she never saw one of shusaku's book in hikaru's room. i wonder if he could guess it... hmm...
oh yeah for the second part... that's was the best in this chapter. i could feel warm when i read it. despite heihachi teased. hahaha... i laughed again when i read it. great job.
oh and one more thing your story is worthy for me personally. especially with all effort you had put here. because i like it.
kitanalao chapter 13 . 2/15/2013
i feel the intense battle from this chapter. making my heart beat fast even though i only know a little about go. as usuall you made the game very detail and that's make happy. especially the plot. thank you very much to writting this. this is indeed awesome story. i jump my self when i know hikaru win and made it to kisei league. i am sure the other was same...
kitanalao chapter 12 . 2/14/2013
i could feel the intensity just by reading this. i love to see hikaru struggle to his succes and you describe it very well... well done. and also when akira give her tips for her succesion. i though it would be unlike akira. but i shrugged of because akira curiousity with nase. i also love the game it was very detail and it's was like you understand meaning from every move. you had me amazed with that. because i am sure not every author could read about game especially the detail. i love it.
kitanalao chapter 11 . 2/14/2013
hello... i am back, that's was nice progressing. i could tell that now... if nase perhaps she starting to like hikaru despite their differences of age. it's fine of course hikaru was between 15 and 16. while nase was 18. eventhough nase was older but because of hikaru's maturity and nase eventhough she was older. but still thingking like akari who was around hikaru's age. thus making every nase's fan beaming in happiness. i also love the way you described hikaru and akira relationship. also the way akira had defended him proofing that he was really close to each other. eventhough their almost always bickering. haha...
well... i am sorry for late review. i need sometime to reread the first 10 chapter before finally review this chapter.
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