Reviews for Dreams
arsenic-graffiti chapter 1 . 4/30/2006
...I *heart* your fic. The dream connection's rather interesting; it makes one wonder how in heck it was made. I wonder, though, why Harry's visions of Voldemort do not affect the 'dream space'. *pauses* I hope the next chapter will shed light on that (haven't read it yet, lol).

On HBP: until what part did you read? I, myself, found most of the fic - er, _book_ rather annoying. The only parts that I did rejoice in were the Tom/Voldemort parts. *groans* Harry was such a Dumbledore-kid there...

...and there I go, rambling stuff that has no relation to the fic. Ah. Sorry 'bout that.
Constructor chapter 1 . 4/30/2006
ah, a brilliant new angle to this particular type of crossover. seems really good, please update soon.

Twin Tails Speed chapter 1 . 4/30/2006
This seems to be rather interesting.
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