Reviews for Father
Secret Admirer of Bees chapter 1 . 9/16/2017
Love it
Cindy Arabella Black chapter 10 . 8/13/2017
i like it please make naother part
Serrure chapter 1 . 10/16/2012
Love it! Wish there were more intriguing Velkan-based fics out there!
Tj chapter 10 . 10/16/2012
Crap, this is intense.
Very riveting though - so very dark and...well, mind-blowing. I love the fact that you've created such an admirable fic portaying Velkan as its main protagonist - which we don't get enough of, in the movie and in fanfiction. It's brilliant and undisputably original that you've come up with a storyline that involves Dracula haunting Velkan, even being his abhorred and yet loved father.
In the scene where Velkan had bolted out of Church, and almost accepted the Count as his 'dark saint' - you truly had me believing that he really would follow him and ultimately manifest completely as Dracula's protege. But then, you had the hesitation of Velkan as Boris was injured, and his subsequent relenquishing of Dracula (for the meantime, anyway) - and that just heightened my admiration for your creativity. You deepened the fic, playing out Velkan's return and his experiences of his life following that event. His parents' gradual distancing from him, his sister's unwavering loyalty and affection for him.. His reception by the wary village people. His battles, and his encounters with the 'angels' that were once almost his mothers...
Although the fic would still be marvelous with it ending with Velkan's complete manifestation, your take on this story in making it more gradual - with Frankenstein's involvement, and the 'father' and 'son''s encounters that are bitter yet very poignant...The scene with Dracula lamenting/confiding to Frankenstein about the violin/'son' was also a distinguishing hightlight. The love/hate bond Dracula and Velkan share is truly deeply accentuated there.
Anyways, I'll stop rambling. I just really wanted to get it out there that you are awesome for creating and sharing such a memorable piece.
Thank you!
honeydewsyndrome chapter 10 . 8/14/2010
I know it has been a while since you updated this story, but I hope you will continue it! It is one of the best story I've read in a while and I hope there are more chapters to come!

Thank You!...(~.)...
Talenyn01 chapter 10 . 5/9/2010
Are you ever going to finish this? I really do like it.
Cabochon chapter 10 . 4/5/2010
I tried to tell myself to stay away from incomplete stories with more than a three-year gap from the latest update, but I couldn't help reading this story. It is The relationship and interaction of Dracula and Velkan is amazing. It has so much depth! I also really like the way you described the seasons passing.

I would love it if this continued, but it was a great read anyway. Thanks for writing!
jasdeviel chapter 10 . 8/19/2009
i just LOVE the way you write and the love/hate relationship between the count and velkan **shiver** beautiful Though i would like it take a more slashy turn */coughcough/* AND FOR THE LOVE OF CARBS UPDATE your seriously KILLING me here.
Sana chapter 10 . 6/7/2009
I really wish you'd continue with your old stories :(
Alarnia chapter 10 . 5/4/2009
oh god, PLEASE update. *puppy eyes*
ConfuzzledNeko chapter 10 . 4/1/2009
Wow, lovign this plot & all its twists. Great characterization. Hppy to see Victor finally in a story, specially with Velkan being so fond of him.
SkyBird4212 chapter 10 . 2/19/2009
This is an absolutely gorgeous story! I love all the depth you've put into the plot, and how real you've made all the characters. Your style of writing is brilliant, and the story is amazing!
Soot chapter 10 . 5/20/2008
wow, wow, and wow. what an amazing story. please update, your story has me addicted and i must find out what happens. i don't care what english teachers say, i want as a reader to read on. please update soon.
Bright Youkai chapter 10 . 3/21/2008
I really love your work, even though I just found your stories recently, and this story has managed to rip my heart out, and still keep me begging for more. The beautiful picture you posted on deviant art of Vlad and Velkan (Possession) goes so well, and makes me tear up just like the story.

Please keep up your fabulous gift, because I know there are people out there beyond me who would just as deeply touched by it as I am.
FireSenshi2 chapter 10 . 7/24/2007
I absolutely love this story! It's so sad and sweet - I wish/hope Velkan and Dracula had a happy ending... :)

Please update soon!
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