Reviews for Labyrinth
ArtemisMoon chapter 12 . 10/9/2008
You know, for Sesshoumaru being an all-important demon, he surely had too much time on his hands to make up so many complicated rules. Well, in all truth YOU are culprit, but I'll ignore that for the sake of the story..._~ My brain is straining to keep up with it all, and even now I'm not sure I completely get it.
ArtemisMoon chapter 11 . 10/9/2008
Nice to finally be able to learn some of Miroku's background, and how Sango ended up as a servant to Inuyasha. Hopefully they will be reunited soon, and I can't wait to see what happens as they get to the castle!
ArtemisMoon chapter 10 . 10/9/2008
Such a tangled web of good intentions and bad outcomes...Inuyasha, just as graceless as ever when doing anything that involves thinking things through! Not one of his strengths. Oh well, it makes for better entertainment!
ArtemisMoon chapter 9 . 10/9/2008
Yes, I came back after having scraped by with barely an A on my exam (amazing, considering how little sleep I got last night, lol), so now I can read guilt free for the evening!

So Miroku is the traitor this time, hmm? I am interested to see where you go with this. Oh, and I am glad that Shippo has reappeared as he seems to be a good source of amusement in this story, along with Miroku's touchy-feely habits. As many fanfictions as I have read that play up that particular characteristic of his, it just never gets old! Gotta love pervy old Miroku...
ArtemisMoon chapter 8 . 10/8/2008
Very creative use the biting fairies...who ever thought they would see the day that Miroku would kill off a bunch of pretty girls? Given, the pretty girls were no bigger than his fingers, but still...I didn't think Miroku had limits such as size...LOL
ArtemisMoon chapter 7 . 10/8/2008
Still interesting so far, though I wish Inuyasha would appear some more. Even David Bowie got more airtime in the movie than Inuyasha is getting though thankfully he did get a slightly longer scene this chapter. Of course, David Bowie also spent whole scenes wearing disturbingly tight pants while dancing and singing...just the mental image of Inuyasha in a scene like that makes me torn between laughing hysterically and crying! I think I would be scarre for life if that happened, so perhaps I won't complain about Inuyasha's number of appearances after all...

I don't remember birds in the forest in the movie. There were those things that were able to remove their heads, whatever they were called...
ArtemisMoon chapter 6 . 10/8/2008
Okay, yes, that guy was a bit...random...I spent the entire scene searching my brain for any characters that fit that discription, only to find out he wasn't anyone at all, lol...I bet you enjoy messing with your reader's minds, huh? Congrats, you attempt was a complete success!
ArtemisMoon chapter 5 . 10/8/2008
Glad to see that you are incorporating others characters as well! An Inuyasha fanfiction is never the same without Miroku and Sango causing trouble in their own special is also interesting how you seem to have a crazy little eco system going on in that place...people grow in there and survive like plants? LOL
ArtemisMoon chapter 4 . 10/8/2008
Ah, the classic gate scene. That always drove me crazy, because I could never follow the logic behind it. Ironic, because people tell me I am a very logical person! LOL Maybe it is because it is that "Alice In Wonderland" type of illogical logic again...

Anxious to see what happens to Kagome next while I can. Probably won't be able to finish tonight as I have to get up for a Pre-Calc exam at the college at ten o'clock. Ugh...I'll get as far as I can, though!
ArtemisMoon chapter 3 . 10/8/2008
Interesting background story you have concocted. It gives Inuyasha and the setting a history that was really missing from the movie. And I LOVED the scene with Shippo getting caught out with his fake food...too funny! You are really managing to play out the story uniquely along with keeping the characters pretty well in-character. They aren't the movies characters just renamed like in so many fanfictions.
ArtemisMoon chapter 2 . 10/8/2008
Kudos for actually continuing this story at a point where you had no comments. Most people wouldn't, so I'm very impressed with your tenacity. You must really love to write! I am looking forward to continuing this story, because so far so good. You have mixed things up really well, so it doesn't sound like you are just regurgitating the movie. Shippo was a great character to throw in first, and I had to laugh at the whole "Alice in Wonderland" thing. Before you ever mentioned it or got to Shippo, I kept thinking "This story feels like it has a dash of 'Alice in Wonderland' mixed in with all the illogical yet logical bantering between she and the door."
ArtemisMoon chapter 1 . 10/8/2008
Hm, interesting...can't say I've seen an Inuyasha take on this particular movie. Kind of suprising as there seems to be an Inuyasha fic based on nearly every movie ever made! LOL I normally would just roll my eyes and move on, but the fact that you delare that it is loosely based on the movie has be interested. After all, if it were too much like the movie then it really wouldn't be worth reading, right? It would be like reading the movie, only with the names changed. Anyway, interesting start you have! Their bickering is very in keeping with their characters, along with Inuyasha's awkwardness. It seems like it will be a fun little story, so I'll continue and see how it goes!

BTW, I agree about the Howl's Moving Castle. Unlike fanfiction based on movies or books, movies that are based on books should be as much like the book as possible. Howl's Moving Castle was disappointing, as was Ella Enchanted. I wanted to cry after seeing what they did to that poor book...
lizzpercush chapter 16 . 7/28/2008
AW! I got tingles reading your story. The sweet tingles of longing you get in the pit of your stomach (or really intestines). I love a good happy ending and a good story.

You are both.
Chi Yagami chapter 16 . 5/6/2008
very nice Labyrinth parody o that was very creative how you invented the reason why Inuyasha was in the labyrinth in the first place. 5 stars! *
Chi Yagami chapter 13 . 5/6/2008
oou the peach dream and Within You scene in one chapter! yay
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