Reviews for The Mark in the Lace
Pasencore chapter 7 . 6/4/2008
Glad your back! I followed through your story but never took the time to review it, sorry about that. I like it. I'm not sure where this is going and that's what I like. Please, keep writing!
sandcrawlr chapter 7 . 6/4/2008
And here I thought you had died. Seriously though, great chapter. Love the story, as I'm a huge fan of both Ranma and WoT, don't ask me how I got that set as my two favorites. Keep up the writing, cause I can't wait for this epic to progress. :)
Kraken chapter 7 . 6/4/2008
God damn it! Waiting for that long and now you're turning Ranma into a cck muncher? Damn you! I really want Ranma to turn back into a guy infront of that Macchin. Please don't ruin a good fic by doing something rank like that. Pleease!
Violet Shadows chapter 7 . 6/4/2008
Awesome story as always, I especially liked the parts with rand, though to be honest for some reason, ranma's daughter bores me.
Dumbledork chapter 7 . 6/4/2008
Beautiful. This is probably one of the most powerful stories I've ever read. And I've never felt as much pity for Ranma as in this one. I just hope that in the end all the sacrifices will be worth it and that Ranma can finally be happy with her daughter.

And if you want to read new stuff from you should check out the lemon section on Hawk's fanfiction forum. He's posted the first 4 chapters of 'Bunny's Delight' and the next chapter of 'Playing with Ranma'.
ellf chapter 7 . 6/3/2008
Heh, I was almost expecting you to take my advice and leave a cliffie. Good chapter Materia-Blade, good chapter.
Shadow22 chapter 7 . 6/3/2008
Nicely done, though I hope Ranma isn't going to start falling in love with guys;sorry just a personal preference. Unless I'm way off it looks like Slayers is going to be added to this or am I just seeing what I want with you referring to Ranma as the Golden Lady.
Lathis chapter 7 . 6/3/2008
Oddly enough, I review now more for your author's notes. The chapter was well written and covered lots of ground. Thankfully, I have read the WoT series, so I actually have a clue about who many of the non-anime people are, so I'm able to follow the story fairly well. Unfortunately this chapter didn't touch upon the story lines that were garnering my interest in earlier chapters, but I'm sure that will change.

The main reason I decided to review, though, is as I said, your author's notes. I just found it to be such an eerie coincidence that you would state that you finally broke down and split your chapter in half at reaching the 27k word mark, as it is almost the exact thing which I put in my own Author's notes two chapters ago. The only thing that would be more eerie, is if the next half of your chapter is roughly 22k long, so it hits the 40k mark just as mine did.

Good luck with your writing. Hopefully you'll have more time to pick up your own pace, as you challenged those other writers to do.

Mizuno Tenshi2 chapter 7 . 6/3/2008
Great chapter, and I hope the next one comes sooner. Oh, and thanks for calling out the other lazy writers. _
Wonderbee31 chapter 7 . 6/3/2008
Great part here, and Ranma is coming out of it, or is something more changing, and with Cologne, Shampoo and Happi showing up, I imagine the chaos will ramp up as time goes on.
Awlric Hayell chapter 6 . 6/1/2008
*jaw is dislocated and hanging freely* E..ep...epic. simply...epic.
Leo B chapter 6 . 4/18/2008
This is one of the best fic's I had the pleasure of reading. It's rare to find a fic that mixes these 3 so well and not come across as childish or just spam. I look forward to your next chapter.
Ginnia chapter 6 . 3/25/2008
I definitley think Ranma should learn to control her burst of flame or she will conintue to accidently kill humans. I hope that this is a case of the Lady of Flame's burst going out of hand instead of Ramna deliberatley setting off the flame knowing full well the range of it would destory everything in miles, even a village of people. I also hope that Akane explained what she meant about Keika is her daughter to Egwene and the others in world of dreams because they would know that Tamara did not have a child and even if she did her daughter would be much older. You kind of ended the coversation between the women a little abruptly due to the fact Akane statement would have raised more questions and Akane would not have left until she finsihes whatever she would have said about her daughter. I hope the scene can continue in the next chapter, if at possible. I wonder if the Senshi will look for the new Saliors in the wheel of time world or if the new saliors will find there way to the others. I loved the story "So Be It" so I was very happy when I saw this sequel. I love everything about this story, and I think this is the best wheel of time crossover I ever read so please update soon.
Moriko Nightdream chapter 6 . 2/17/2008
You're gonna write more yes? -
Daniel Thomas Stack chapter 6 . 2/1/2008
I like the Earth portions of this last chapter of Mark in the Lance. I'm a little disturbed you made Rand Pregnant. Herb deserved to end up that way more. How long will it be before you have Ranma picking up on the lessons you are having Herb take Rand to Happosai to learn? Isn't it too soon for Setsuna to forget names. Between obsessions and all you'd think Ranma and the Senshi names would have still been pretty hard for her to forget. Everything in this chapter needs more to be said about it so to quote your own statement from an earlier chapter "WRITE MORE"
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