Reviews for The Mark in the Lace
Blissfull Wulf chapter 6 . 1/13/2008
This is my first review for a story, so sorry if I don't do it right:

I'm a big fan of WoT, Ranma, and I've started reading SM so I would be more familiar with the characters. My only criticism has to do with the Wot aspect, like some of the channeling.

1) If the Trollocs are coming in through a Gateway created with Saidar/Saidin, then this would cause them to die, because Shadowspawn can't go through Gateways without dying, this is why the Forsaken use the Ways to transport them. I don't know if this applies to Gateways created using the True Power though, cause little has been explained about it.

2) I like how you explain how Ryoga gets lost, but in order for someone to Travel they need to be familiar with the place they are Traveling from, although there might be a few exceptions, not to sure cause it's been a while since I read the series.

3) Not too big a deal, but you keep confusing the True Source from which the One Power(Saidar and Saidin)is drawn from, with the True Power which is drawn directly from the Dark One and is what I think you're referring to when you describe Setsuna's scythe as being an Angreal.

And in response to Natalie-E-G's post, I think the Pluto he means is Keika, the new Sailor Pluto, not Setsuna since she is no longer Pluto, and if I'm correct the woman was Moiraine and I don't see her working for the enemy, unless of course there were 13 Black Sisters and 13 Myrddraal to "persuade" her...

All that aside Two Ogier sized thumbs up, and PLEASE don't drop this series, I'm tired of reading Ranma fics that have been dropped, especially those by Jim Robert Bader(one was about 11 MB.) talk about a cliff hanger.
One Thousand Sorrows chapter 6 . 1/6/2008
After all the fanfiction I read, I've only ever seen one story chapter longer than this. And yet still I couldn't take my eyes off your story the whole time. The plot in this series is always skillfully made and your style of writing is perfect for entrapping and entrancing the mind of a fantasy fan. And considering this partly a Wheel of Time story you're gonna be getting a lot of those. Keep up the good work, I can't wait to read the next chapter.
Mizuno Tenshi2 chapter 6 . 12/21/2007
More please, kind sir.
Arkeus chapter 6 . 10/31/2007

You horrible you.

Excellent story so far :-)
Arkeus chapter 1 . 10/31/2007
Woa...What a ride.

Does that mean Ranma's Daughter is Setsuna reborn :/ ?
Asgeras chapter 6 . 10/9/2007
Okay, okay...praise, praise, praise. Great, good, better. Now, let's get down to the nitty gritty.

Your grammar, as always, is more than fair. It seems like your most common mistakes arise from words that sound the same, but are spelled differently (such as 'to' and 'too', or 'through' and 'threw'). This is particularly easy to miss, since spell checkers don't catch a word that is, after all, correctly spelled. The best way to catch these would be with a couple of good editors/proofers.

Next up, plot holes. There's actually not too many. Hooray. The most glaring one is found from the differences in the previous volume, due to evidence in this one. In 'So Be It', Setsuna, before she lost her Pluto incarnation, pretty much shrugged off whether or not she would be killed. She said that, even if she was killed, she would still have the powers when she's reincarnated. This would lead one to believe that the powers are tied directly to an individual or bloodline, or until they're transferred per the Moon Royalty's verdict. That being said, in this chapter we see that the power of Venus has been allotted to Lyra (good choice by the way, I like how this version of Venus will maintain some of the sword skills that canon Minako held in the manga canon ). This is easy to fix with a quick edit to the previous volume. I'm a little lazy to go search it out, and I would, honestly, rather see new work than plug up a plot hole that is based off of a couple of lines. In other words, keep this in mind for any future revisions. :P

Next up, I like how you're incorporating the old Senshi incarnations in with the current characters. I imagine you'll get a little bellyaching from fans, since this will remove some of the personality quirks from their characters that are typically found in canon. In my opinion, this is an inevitability. Their lives would have vastly different, and if you put the same personality in different environments, the personalities will start to differ. Thus, if you combine to personalities, the conglomerate will differ from the individual parts. Something to keep in mind would be to incorporate both personalities to a certain extent, such as having Usagi continue to want/need friendship from her 'court'.

Next issue is one I have with the various clips you put in front of the various chapters. Personally, I dislike it when an author outright blurts out certain aspects about the future. Alluding to various aspects of the story is a totally different story. That's how it should be done :P Ironically, you have good versions and bad versions of this as the various forewords to each chapter. Your prophecies are what I would refer to as a good version. Prophecies are akin to scripture. They're somewhat rough along the edges and can be interpreted in various ways, but usually lead to a same, overall, understanding. With your quotes from various future individuals, including no less than Keika herself, your giving away a lot of information and killing a bit of anticipation. For instance, you're flat out letting your readers know that the good guys win, and the Ranma, Ryoga, Keika, Mercury, and Kuno survive. It's almost a given that the good guys win, but to be told so a good ways off kills a little bit ne sais quo. Plus, we know that Ranma is in trouble in the future. My guess is that this is because of some of the...'incidental' murders, but you're also putting in a little bit of dread. Your basically stating that what many would consider to be the main protagonist, or at least one of them, will find no peace in the future, even when the war is finished.

Which leads me to the next, but this story is somewhat morose. And you haven't even said that this would be a sad story, unlike with your newest fic. Kind of makes me wonder if you'll have the main characters being constantly tortured in your new fic, with no sight nor sign of any end.

Just remember that, unless you're going for torture novels, it's alright to let a little light through, even during fics that deal with somewhat darker subjects (such as mass battle and insanity/hysteria).

Now that I've beaten you to a really like your fic :P

Really, truly.

Write more.

Nonetheless, thank you for what you've written so far.
Metallix6 chapter 6 . 9/1/2007
I enjoyed the chapter especially since it was longer than you normally write just hope you continue it soon.
Natalie-E-G chapter 6 . 8/16/2007
A few points of confusion and then comments.

How long has it been in chapter 6 since Ranma did the Dance of the Flames? I cannot see Ranma not checking on Keika for several days. And from the previous chapter it seemed that the flight to the inn she stopped at was one day, Dance in morning, all day flight, stop at inn.

The other point of confusion is the movement of time. In the first story it was obvious that a day in the world with Nabiki was decades if not hundreds of years in the world of WOT. In the second story the time seems to be oscillating. By that I mean a day is a day sometimes, a day is a month sometimes, and a month is a day sometimes.

Another point of curiosity is that someone has cast a spell Saidar or Saidin that has ripped the dimensional borders off at least 5 locations big enough to move through armies of thousands at each point, and held the rip for hours and no one in the world of WOT has noticed this level of spell being cast? Did the casting take place during the cleansing of the one source for Saidin? Is that why it was not detected.

Why are neither the Dark Lord nor Nae Bliss not more upset about Keika and Ranma? As near as I can determine your time line, they are moving through the WOT world just about the time the invasion of the SM world is taking place. Also Setsuna does not appear to know about Keika being there yet. How did she miss the flare of power? Why did she arrange to give Ranma a purse full of gold? She can not see through time now, so how could she see the destruction Ranma would do, if that was why? That destruction was contrary to everything she might have seen or studied about Ranma prior to the destruction of the Gates of Time.

There are minor spelling errors mostly due I believe to use of a spell checker that cannot determine actual wording that should be used. For example, someone "through" on their clothes. No, it should be "threw". There were several of those type of mistakes.

The story is entertaining even if you are killing off many characters and replacing them, especially SM characters. But then you have wars being fought and people die. One minor inconsistancy is during the first story Setsuna indicated her power could be stripped from her and given to another, but if she died her power would remain with her spirit until reincarnation. Now you have apparently transferred Minako's power to another because she died and was not immediately ressurected. I assume you will be doing the same with Micheru's power. That does however beg the question if she is being cast out of the cycle of rebirths for the sailor senshi how she still exists enough to contact Haruka.

Your story shows many inconsistancies as far as I can tell.

Flame Warning!

I really hate to see a story flamed and if you check my posts (I am not sure how you will be able to check all the postings and comments I have done), I think you will see this is I think the first I have ever done. Sorry but...

I really do not see Ranma laying waste to the entire town. I find it hard to believe she would kill even the pervert. For 20,0 years she has a core set of values that say protect the innocent. Even the accidental killing of the swordmaster caused major psychological trauma. Now you have her, in madness, killing the entire town for the actions of one person. In the last 15 years apparently her madness has grown exponentially and during times that could be considered some of the best of her lifetime with the exception of the loss of Akane. This action feels like if Fred Rogers had one day because someone said something derogatory about the Mr Rogers show deciding in a heat of rage to set off a thermonuclear bomb blowing up New York City and killing the entire population. It does not fit.

Based on this action, I can only assume Ranma was much more insane the entire time of her existance in the Ways previously and probably tortured Keika to levels Genma never even considered. Keika could probably write a book that would make "Mommie Dearest" look like the most effervescent stories of Hans Christian Anderson, Hugh Lofting, or Margaret Williams.

Though Ranma has not attained god status, she has changed into an force of elemental power that could upon change of direction with just a slight increase in power consume the world. I would suggest either eliminating her from your story as the Lady of the Flames has no control over her power, her sanity, or herself. You have not made Ranma's personality evil, therefore I do not see Ranma being able to deal with the killing of hundreds of innocents.

You have also suggested she might mate with Machin Shin if Keika died. That she could even accept him and having a child by him to replace Keika. "If she lost Keika too she didn’t know what she would do. Her eyes roamed over Machin and she began to get an idea though. He’d been with her through everything. Even as a monster wind he’d longed to be with her. To hold her." I submit this is contrary to the image you have presented earlier of her as a concerned mother. She is accepting a death of her child even before it happens or is certain to happen. She is in effect beginning to psychologically abandon Keika.

Edit, rewrite, kill whatever but please be consistant to your own character development. If you want Ranma so mad that she could become the next Dark Lord, please take tiny steps each corrupting her. If she is so dangerously psychotic or corrupted already it should have been noticable.
WillItWork chapter 6 . 8/13/2007
Well here's another for your total. I love this fusion. You have plot, interesting character development, wierd stuff abounding, and no one's god-moded. Which can be dreadfully easy with Ranma.

I like how everyone is everyone, in true WoT fashion. And while admittedly the 'Ranma stuck as a girl' has been done before, in this and in previous story you actually justify it.

This is veery polished, and really, I can't think of one thing off-hand which would significantly improve the story in technique. I might suggest a little mor edialogue, but there is so much action going on, and many of the people don't talk enough to justify it.

Although, Rand meets Ranma, both male mothers, would be a GREAT scene to see.
Dianna Machen chapter 2 . 8/4/2007
well...I read the prequel, and I quickly fell bored with the majority of the "Wheel of Time" Segments. Mostly because I've only barely heard of Wheel, I was actually looking for Ranma-chan fics when I found this.

It seems to be a good fic, but the wheel of time parts are just as confusing as they were when I first started this fic. I can barely understand the characters or their motivations.

All that being said though,

I greatly enjoyed the idea of Ranma fighting her own mind, and constantly losing. Not that I hate Ranma, but I do like the idea that she isn't perfect. Near perfect but she isn't equipped to battle on a mental level. She's getting better, but you've shown it as a slow painful process, it's somehow...realistic. I like that.

I also like how you're slowly showing that Ranma is becoming less and less of a man and more of a woman. I'm wondering if she will become a total woman later on in this fic.

Ranma isn't really a man anymore anyways, but then again, spending 18,0 years as a woman tends to do that to a person. You've done an excellent job at showing the mental progression of all the characters. I can't wait to read more.

Keep working hard hun, you're a good writer.
sandcrawlr chapter 6 . 7/12/2007
Still loving the story man. And as an amusing side note, i actually AM on vacation, but i still took the time to read your story because it is that good. Keep up the writing. :)
skywiseskychan chapter 1 . 7/11/2007
Believe it or not I got all the way through what you had written here before realizeing there was a story behind it all. :) I think I had better go read the backstory now.
Phidaissi chapter 1 . 7/11/2007
Another good addition to this story, I like the way you've explained some abilities in terms of one of the crossed series, it helps meld the universes better.

The invasion seemed somewhat sudden (especially after a rather large army of them had been wiped out only just previous) so it may help if there's a reason (or backplot) at some point as to just why on earth (no pun!) it happened.

Writing style and spelling are good, with only a few errors that were mostly of the misspelt-as-another-word variety.

I want to see more of this story, so keep up the great writing! :)
skywiseskychan chapter 6 . 7/10/2007
Interesting fun. I'm a bit concerned I admit about the time dilation that was/is happening between realms as the full story hasnt yet come out. It should be interesting to see the groups continue to slowly meet up. I'm of course concerned about Keiko and her apparent name trouble and its similarity to Setsuna, not to mention of course the fact the forsaken are all over her litterally by all now apparent signs.

I would like to see more of Min and Hotaru it will be interesting to see how they do with their changing circumstances and with Haruka as neptune.

Finally poor Ranma killing everybody. Sniff.
faiyaryuu chapter 6 . 7/10/2007
your story is very well done and kept me wanting for future chapters. please update soon!
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