Reviews for His Past, Her Present, Their Future
Nightstalker100 chapter 46 . 8/9/2023
A most wonderful Fic I enjoyed this very much. Thank you for your hard work.
DaisyDear chapter 46 . 2/4/2023
Wonderful experience! Thank you:)
Rising Phoenix-82 chapter 46 . 6/2/2022
It was a good story from beginning to end.
mamacasper06 chapter 36 . 5/13/2022
Why did you remove the lemon this site is full of them! It's a shame to have to miss out on any of the story especially since you talk about it in your a/n at the bottom of the chapter
Aurora Lunae chapter 1 . 1/28/2022
this is one of my all time favorite SessKag stories!
Azurena chapter 45 . 10/28/2021
It's been 15 years since the first time I read this fic, and I just wanted to say thank you for writing it. I think this was my fourth time rereading it :) even though I'm no longer the SessKag fan I used to be, this story will always remain one of my favorites. Thank you again 3

P.S. I tried to leave a review on chapter 46 but couldn't because I'd already left one for that chapter eight years ago lol
Guest chapter 46 . 7/10/2021
The story is lovely. Thank you.
Pentastic chapter 46 . 7/9/2021
sweet story. I enjoyed it.
Harlecorn chapter 46 . 10/20/2020
This story was amazing. I laughed a hell of a lot, and cried, a lot, but it’s one of my favourites now!
lara5170 chapter 46 . 6/4/2020
Great story
T.BAGGIN chapter 46 . 9/19/2019
Rokizols chapter 2 . 8/6/2019
This chapter is so sad it made me cry. Your descriptions made me feel like I was in Kagome’s shoes and I was feeling her sadness, her anguish... her desperation. Terribly sad moment. Wow!
Deathpuppy1 chapter 46 . 8/4/2019
I absolutely loved this story! It's definitely one of the best I've read in a while, and it had an awesome plot(I'm a sucker for time travel fics lol, even though there's already time travel in Inuyasha). I love that you stayed away from a lot of the bigger cliches and made such a brilliant, unique story.
Wren210 chapter 8 . 7/21/2019
SESSHOMARU's marks ALL of them including the moon will be with him until the day he dies... not when some female has a kid because if it did disappear then why does his MOTHER still have her mark after giving BIRTH to SESSHOMARU... fix the spelling of his name you are insulting the character by butchering...
Wren210 chapter 7 . 7/21/2019
what is the Sesshou stuff he would kill for less and has it is annoying unless you are lazy and don't feel up to using his name as it should be used... just like everyone else i never heard them using any kind of nick name in the anime...
oh and rinny poo would have been married off by the age of 14 and Shippo would still look about 7 though he was actually about 54/57 during the anime...
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