Reviews for Taking Control |
Simianpower chapter 1 . 1/1/2024 Everything's just way, WAY too easy. I got to chapter 2, and by then Harry already has mastered silent apparition, wandless magic, multiple animagus forms, and gotten a start on better occlumency and potions. That plus the endless boring letters is a serious turn-off. This story is simultaneously too fast and too slow. Make the learning take weeks, if not months, and it'd be believable. Minutes to hours is not. He succeeds at everything within a paragraph or two! And all the crap from the letters could be shortened down to a paragraph or two, because reading about tween misunderstandings in letter chains is BORING. I know, this story is finished and old and will never be updated, but this is for the record. |
RoyaleWrites chapter 1 . 10/15/2023 dunno if it's just me but the formatting Is all off for me on this story. I'm using the app and it's all format aligned to the left so odd makes this great fic incredibly hard to read haha but great fic |
Jeff chapter 28 . 10/6/2023 Complete? |
viciousmouse chapter 28 . 7/27/2023 I've come back to this after years of absence, and it's as good as I remember :) Many thanks |
denebtenoh chapter 28 . 7/2/2023 It was such an awesome ending! thank you sooooo much for this wonderful journey! |
mystpurge chapter 4 . 6/17/2023 turning down having separate quarters is absolutely stupid. he wouldn't be separated from his friends he could still go to the common room but he would of had 100% of privacy if he had his own room |
mystpurge chapter 4 . 6/17/2023 I understand that he doesn't want to lose his first friend but its very clear that Ron isn't being a friend never mind a best friend all he has been is a jealous dick. who in my position i would of killed 10 times over |
Happypotternerd chapter 1 . 4/19/2023 I think the premise of this is good but the character development is severely lacking and every character is very 2D, with Harry becoming very Mary-Sue as everyone praising him every two seconds. This is fanfic is years old though so hopefully you’ve developed and improved since then, but unfortunately I can’t finish this one. |
The8thMarauder chapter 2 . 4/9/2023 Theres no wand twisting in apparition, you use your body not your wand |
mumphie chapter 3 . 3/26/2023 I don't know how many times I've read your story, but I still get teary when Sirius tells Harry he won't always be there for him, and will be moving on soon. *sniff* |
Pableroski chapter 28 . 3/8/2023 Me he leído la historia de cabo a rabo y es una maravilla. No suelo leer "non canon" porque tiendo a ser muy purista y minusvalorar el fanfic injustamente. Sin embargo esta me ha encantado. De principio a fin. Me ha recordado al estilo de jk, ese que te va soltando pedacitos del puzle poco a poco sin que te des cuenta para poder armarlo todo al final, no solo en ese mismo libro, sino en la historia completa. Y me encanta. He visto que tienes secuela, aunque inacabada y por lo que veo, no la vas a terminar nunca. Comprendo los motivos, tienes una historia de 500 000 palabras, interesante de principio a fin, y seguir ese ritmo es sencillamente agotador. Más el hecho de que haya pasado tanto tiempo, que ya habrás perdido la motivación, las ideas, y quizás hasta tu forma de escribir haya cambiado y choque con tus anteriores proyectos. Sin embargo te pido, no exijo, solo pido que le des una vuelta. Y si llegas a leer la review, házmelo saber, por favor. Y si no entiendes el español, te lo traduzco de buena gana al inglés. No uses traductores, suelen dar resultados bastante pobres e ineficientes. Me ha encantado tu trabajo, y me hubiera encantado poder haberlo leído a fecha de estreno para que pudiésemos interactuar más. Verdaderamente me ha maravillado. Ha sido como volver a abrir un libro de jk. |
HossamKholeef chapter 14 . 3/4/2023 You turned Harry into a Bully. You made him, Ron and Hermione the worst friends ever. |
redeyehawk23 chapter 23 . 1/18/2023 It's amazing that he hasn't even looked into parseltongue yet. |
perlcat45 chapter 28 . 1/6/2023 Brilliant! Great story! |
Guest chapter 24 . 11/19/2022 I am beyond thinking point deductions and detentions will have impact on Hermione. Every time she speaks Harry must immediately hex that pigheaded, narrow minded, self righteous bb..witch. |