Reviews for A Sirius Matter
Siriusmunchkin chapter 6 . 9/9
Having fun with it so far
MRGwrites chapter 7 . 8/17
that just kind of ruined it for me, Ginny is annoying and Hermione won't let Harry use a pet name.
DANTE88 chapter 40 . 8/6
Hola, me a encantado esta historia.¿ Habrá segunda parte?
20000 WPM chapter 29 . 7/29
Was surprised to see that they were hanging out with Ron at the tournament. His attitude along with Wearing a badge that proclaimed Harry a coward when he knows for a fact that He is not, should’ve been enough in my opinion for Harry and Hermione to cut ties with their fickle friend. Always wondered why they kept him around.
peggy77 chapter 40 . 7/6
Such a great story!
peggy77 chapter 36 . 7/5
That last paragraph made me laugh. :-D
peggy77 chapter 16 . 7/5
Ginny is being cruel. I understand that's realistic between siblings though. Plus, she takes after her mother and her mother can be quite cruel, too.
peggy77 chapter 1 . 7/4
The really horrible thing about the situation with Snape overhearing part of the prophecy is that Aberforth should have stunned him so he couldn't run away and then Dumbledore should have obliviated him so he didn't remember the prophecy at all.
slytherinsal chapter 40 . 7/1
nice story
slytherinsal chapter 24 . 7/1
... I dispute that. My husband of 40 years and I have been buying books for each other for our birthdays since we started courting.
Re Lovely Lover chapter 32 . 6/19
And all enjoyment has been utterly destroyed. Ron in no way shape or form deserves Luna nor does she deserve to be inflicted with him. I can't see him being remotely decent with her.

I also noticed how Ron was suddenly just sitting with and interacting with Harry without even an attempt at apologizing for his bs with blowing him off as a coward and wearing a Malloy badge of all things. Ignoring that the coward saved his little sisters life killing a basilisk and dealing with the diary. If not for Fawkes he'd have even given his life to do so.

Chapter pissed me off. I don't see how Luna would even want to date him either. They grew up together and you know he was an ass to her. While at school he's had nothing to do with her as she's bullied and likely continued the Loony crap if she ever did come up.
Re Lovely Lover chapter 31 . 6/19
Someone actually doing something about the damned paper. That chapter alone deserves applause. I'm so incredibly annoyed with how nearly no one does a thing about that in their stories. Whether back in time, taking his place, or whatever else.

Still bothered by how shockingly few do anything with the basilisk. I'm rather stumped this one killed off a dragon and did so with it yet not the basilisk.
Re Lovely Lover chapter 29 . 6/19
Harvesting the Dragon, what about the basilisk?
Re Lovely Lover chapter 28 . 6/19
Whats the point of the training when they fail utterly to even attempt to protect themselves? That and the cauldron "battle" were a joke and a half.
Re Lovely Lover chapter 22 . 6/19
That was abrupt and rather bad...
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