Reviews for Betrayal's Reward
Aldain Bedawin chapter 25 . 9/14/2024
No matter how many time i read this story Trugeta i always enjoy it. I remember when you were still writing it. I hope you still write. Am going to see f you have anythjng new i. The 2024 year.
Spokavriel chapter 25 . 6/27/2024
I held off on reading this partly because I was worried the angst from earlier chapters would be dragged on through the whole thing. I'd love to see a side story with more world building. The time that Felicia and the Fantastic 4 had during the main events of the clone wars. The prep in the three weeks for the trial where Felix would be made more than temporary.

There is so much I would like to see as a story and not just be told about.

Thank you for making this great world. Please don't be afraid to come back to it ;)

Daniel Thomas Stack
AKA Spokavriel at yahoo.
Spokavriel chapter 24 . 6/27/2024
The Scarlet Widdow's other Lawyer friend was at the telling of Ranma's life story while fighting Clone-kun. I hope she gets brought in and while I like things got tied up this chapter was quite a lot of exposition. Its making me wish you had still had ample reviews so it could have had more show than telling after the fight ended.

Daniel Thomas Stack
aka Spokavrie wish Ranma Felicia and Amnar could slide to meet Ranma and Kasumi from A Trip to Self. Sym and SD could get to play with lil Washu and Ryoko ;)
Spokavriel chapter 20 . 6/26/2024
Another benefit to you changing the gas Warren used to one that mutates or upgrades people would be the ability it was trying to grant of using Ki and Reiki without learning control killed the people by making them exhaust all their energies before finishing the change. Something that couldn't hurt Felicia as badly because she at least had some Ki Training. And who says SD couldn't find use for any parts of that which were beneficial like Sym had to do in the Regen tank.

Daniel Thomas Stack
AKA Spokavriel at yahoo.
Chelsea2valve chapter 15 . 3/6/2024
I need more than 25 chapters I love this
Guest chapter 25 . 2/29/2024
This was a really fun read hidden in the dust I enjoyed it from start to end. Thank you. - Xadlly the imp girl
Mr.Destructo chapter 6 . 5/1/2022
ranma is a nutcase if he wants to kill people go for it but he cant blame heroes for not doing so. if the public wants supervillians dead then draft new laws and execute them using the government you cant put the blame on vigilantes for not doing their dirty work for them and many of the supervillians do their crimes openly in the marvel and even dc universes all it would really take is some quick response sniper teams to deal with most villains. it would even be legal under current laws as long as you have police confront them at a distance their lives had the potential to be in danger as an excuse to take the shot
Mr.Destructo chapter 2 . 5/1/2022
man that courtroom read like a crackfic and how was clone ranma even so strong without all the training and techniques ranma trained his whole life for
ManWithTheMilk chapter 25 . 6/24/2021
Holy hell was this a wild ride. I'm so happy that you mostly fixed Ranma's character flaws without making him/her into a Gary Stu/Mary Sue. I really enjoyed the way you developed other characters past the way they were originally written (Besides the Tendo's and Nodoka). The plot was fantastic, character interactions superb, and a whole list of adjectives that I can't think of describing after reading all of this in one go while starting at 12:00 P.M. This was amazing, so Im gonna check out your other stories. You wrote this beautifully and I really enjoyed it. Have a nice day!
iacopo.passerini chapter 1 . 4/13/2021
Bene vediamo un pò che diavolo succede!
Mr.BrownOptometrist chapter 25 . 2/17/2021
Damn this is a masterpiece and definitely needs to be read. And incredible job Author-san and keep up the amazing job you've done so far
BROCKLESNER chapter 3 . 11/2/2020
"Chapter 3, Omake by GangstaSpanksta", Did You Purposefully Make A "Blonde Joke" About A Stereotype For Girls With Blonde Hair Being "Dumb, Airheads"
nihongogakusei chapter 25 . 7/6/2020
Read your work ages ago. I'm glad it's still here.
D4rkpunch chapter 2 . 6/29/2020
doesn't made any fucking sense...
Kakyouin Noriaki chapter 9 . 1/26/2019
Total trash.
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