Reviews for Walk Like Men |
![]() ![]() ![]() I very much liked it |
![]() ![]() ![]() "The tribal healer's apprentice, who happened to be standing behind Luke..." Forgive me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't he be Sky-Walker here? Obi-wan might refer to him mentally as Luke on occasion, but I don't think there's anyone else in the story who would at this point. |
![]() ![]() ![]() I discovered this while on during an insanely boring day in which brain-rotting was the set goal. This gem had the effect of rekindling my interest in the original Star Wars trilogy/entire universe. My only wish is that this was a longer retelling. You did such an awesome job with the mythology and characters! I'm going to be rereading this many times in the future |
![]() ![]() Woah, I can’t even put into words how much I loved this. The story is incredible and the theme of family is beautifully present without it being annoying or obvious. The small details of the Tusken culture sold me into falling in live with all the characters. Everything was really well thought through and organized. I was always intrigued by the Tusken culture and came looking for fan fictions about it and this was the first one to not only hold my attention but blow me away! Great job! I will reread this again and again! Thank you so much for blessing the world with your writing. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Super job well done. Loved every minute of it! |
![]() ![]() ![]() "I will not deny it," Vader said at last, lowering his weapon. "I destroyed your family, Skywalker. I as good as killed them." The Emperor jerked as if struck by lightning. This wasn't what he had forseen! Skywalker cocked his head to one side, almost animal-like, as he advanced forward a wary step. "Then tell me how they died." "By the power of the dark side." His voice was lower than usual, heavy with grief. "Your mother and I were very much in love... a love forbidden by the Jedi Order. When I had a vision of her dying in childbirth, I sought to help her. But I could not go to the Jedi - they would have expelled me from the Order had they discovered our bond. And their only counsel was to accept what was coming, to not fear the loss I sensed." His weapon-arm hung loosely at his side. "I could not do it. I could not bear to lose her. I had to save her... and the Emperor promised that the power of the Sith could save her from death." "Skywalker, strike him down!" cried the Emperor, the thrill flooding his body now one of terror. "He's only distracting you!" "No," Skywalker insisted. "Let him finish." "Your mother came to me on the fire world of Mustafar," Vader continued. "She begged me to turn from the path I had taken. In my rage, thinking she had sided with the Jedi, my new enemies, I attacked her." Silence, and had the Emperor not known any better he would have thought Vader was collecting himself before proceeding. "The moment she died... the Jedi I had once been died with her. In that moment, I destroyed Anakin Skywalker and became Darth Vader." Skywalker stared, his weapon wavering. "You see?" the Emperor said shrilly, jumping at the chance to salvage the situation. "He admits it! He killed your mother and destroyed your father! For that he deserves death! Kill him now!" Skywalker's gaze moved from Vader to the Emperor, then back to Vader. Then he lowered his blade to the side. "No," he told the Sith Master. "I see the truth now. I feel the truth now. And I won't kill him. I will not shed the blood of my family. It isn't the Tusken way." "Chaos take the Tusken way!" Palpatine swore. "You are not Tusken!" Too late the Emperor realized he'd made a serious error. For Skywalker bristled at that accusation. "Not Tusken by blood," he said coolly, "but Tusken by heart and soul. These will always be my people. You cannot change that." —- Hurray! The emperor slain. Vader lives, but leaves, sad. But maybe one day, be reunited. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Oh boy, oh dear! Oh wow! |
![]() ![]() ![]() Yoda," said Skywalker at last, "I have to help Wind-Dancer. I can't let her die. It's not the Tusken way." Yoda's ears jerked once, as if trying to be sure of what they had just picked up. "Skywalker, Tusken you are not..." "My blood may be outsider," Skywalker retorted. "But I have Tusken in my spirit. I have learned much from the outsiders, but most of all I've learned that their way is not always the best way... and that I cannot abandon everything I have learned from my people." He met his master's gaze confidently, maybe a little defiantly. "We do not abandon members of our tribe. Not when we can do something to help. Nor do we forsake ties of blood. I go to help her. I will return and finish what I have begun... but I must help my sister." Han clapped his shoulder with a grin. "Finally a little common sense prevails here! I'll go prep the Falcon. Get together whatever you need and go haul Artoo out of the weeds, then we'll go. Chewie, give me a hand! Goldenrod, make yourself useful!" "Oh bother," Threepio huffed, sounding rather miffed. "Just when I think I've gotten used to a planet..." Yoda lowered his head with a defeated sigh. "Go if you must, Skywalker. But if follow through with this fool's venture you do, know that I cannot help you until you return." "Yes, Master," Skywalker replied. A sudden weight of apprehension formed in his gut - was he truly doing the right thing? But he pushed it aside. He had not been able to help Leia... but perhaps he could help Wind-Dancer. Perhaps he could set some things right for his tribe. "Remember, fear, anger, aggression, vengeance, passion... the dark side are they. Fall not on them for aid, or suffer Vader's fate you will. Trust in the Force, follow its guidance. And good luck." "I thought you Jedi said there was no such thing as luck," Han quipped, ducking into the Falcon. Yoda glared after the smuggler. "And that one's back watch. His mouth the death of him may be someday." — Oh thank goodness someone had sense and Wind-dancer is freed and to tell Vader. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Yoda," said Skywalker at last, "I have to help Wind-Dancer. I can't let her die. It's not the Tusken way." Yoda's ears jerked once, as if trying to be sure of what they had just picked up. "Skywalker, Tusken you are not..." "My blood may be outsider," Skywalker retorted. "But I have Tusken in my spirit. I have learned much from the outsiders, but most of all I've learned that their way is not always the best way... and that I cannot abandon everything I have learned from my people." He met his master's gaze confidently, maybe a little defiantly. "We do not abandon members of our tribe. Not when we can do something to help. Nor do we forsake ties of blood. I go to help her. I will return and finish what I have begun... but I must help my sister." Han clapped his shoulder with a grin. "Finally a little common sense prevails here! I'll go prep the Falcon. Get together whatever you need and go haul Artoo out of the weeds, then we'll go. Chewie, give me a hand! Goldenrod, make yourself useful!" "Oh bother," Threepio huffed, sounding rather miffed. "Just when I think I've gotten used to a planet..." Yoda lowered his head with a defeated sigh. "Go if you must, Skywalker. But if follow through with this fool's venture you do, know that I cannot help you until you return." "Yes, Master," Skywalker replied. A sudden weight of apprehension formed in his gut - was he truly doing the right thing? But he pushed it aside. He had not been able to help Leia... but perhaps he could help Wind-Dancer. Perhaps he could set some things right for his tribe. "Remember, fear, anger, aggression, vengeance, passion... the dark side are they. Fall not on them for aid, or suffer Vader's fate you will. Trust in the Force, follow its guidance. And good luck." "I thought you Jedi said there was no such thing as luck," Han quipped, ducking into the Falcon. Yoda glared after the smuggler. "And that one's back watch. His mouth the death of him may be someday." — Oh boy, so Palpatine wants to have vader and Luke meet, and maybe kill each other. O.o |
![]() ![]() ![]() Oh no! O.o |
![]() ![]() ![]() Oh That duplicitous Palpatine! —- "I have no desire to lead the Empire," she informed him. "Find another stooge to play your puppet." A slight rumble echoed from his vocalizer as he tried to hold back a laugh and failed. "You have spirit, your Highness. I admire that. But you cannot play this game forever. You cannot stand by my side as my daughter without joining the Empire. It will only mean your death." She fell silent. She had no desire to join the Empire... and yet she couldn't leave him. Despite all he had done, he was her father. She had already lost her family when Alderaan had been destroyed. She couldn't lose anyone else. "What about Skywalker?" she asked. "We will find your brother together," Vader promised. "We will be a family again. No one - Empire, Rebellion, Jedi, or any other force in the galaxy - can tear our family apart again." She inhaled deeply, shutting her eyes. This was no idle choice - this would affect not only her life, but Skywalker's. He still saw Vader as the Black One, a dark creature who threatened his tribe and had killed his father. If he ever realized his sister had joined forces with him, it could very well turn him against her. And he was a Jedi, or at least training to be one. Son or not, Vader was sworn as a Sith to kill him. The only way to keep him safe... She released her breath in a sigh and opened her eyes. "One condition, and I'll join you." "Name it," he ordered. "Don't pursue Skywalker. Do with me what you will, just leave my brother alone. I won't see him hurt." Vader considered that a long moment, then gave a slow nod. "Agreed." He stood. "The repairs have been finished. We will leave for Corusant shortly." He reached out and rested a hand on her shoulder. "Welcome back, my child." She shrugged away from him. "Just go." He lowered his hand. "Very well." He turned and left the room. She stared back out the window, feeling something in her heart shatter. She had just severed ties with the Rebellion, the cause she had dedicated her life to. They would never have her back among their ranks now. She could only pray that Vader would honor the deal... and that her sacrifice on Skywalker's behalf would not be in vain. —- Oh, if the Emperor has his way. It might be. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Oh no! Palpatine goi to corrupt the Tuskens! O.o to get to Luke. And Luke finds Yoda and we learn Chewie knew Yoda before...Wookiee do live long lives. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Leia was sitting on the edge of the bed, staring blankly at the wall, clutching her arms as if freezing cold. Her eyes were red and swollen, and her hair was in frightful disarray, working itself loose from the braids and spraying out in all directions. When she heard his entrance she glanced up at him, and her eyes and face both hardened into a mask of hate. "Get out," she said quietly but firmly. "You have nothing I want. What more can you do to me? What more can you take from me?" Vader didn't answer, but moved to sit beside her. She made no move to attack him or to flinch away, though she did offer him a hard glower. He felt a smile tug at his lips beneath the mask. So like her mother... Which reminds me... "This belongs to you," he told her, and he opened his hand and offered the item within to her. She looked at the holo projector in his hand, then back at him suspiciously. "If I intended to harm you, I would have done so by now," he assured her. "Take it." Hesitantly she took it and thumbed it on... and gasped as an image of Padme appeared. Despite himself, Vader felt a lump form in his throat. She had been so beautiful, an angel in the darkness, a warrior-maiden who embodied both softness and steel, gentleness and passion... just like the young woman seated before him... "She was very much like you," Vader told Leia. "Strong-willed, totally dedicated to her beliefs and passions, loyal to those she loved. And yet she was kind as well." He looked away. "I wonder if your brother shares some of those traits as well..." "Skywalker... Luke has a good heart," Leia replied quietly. "He's trusting and kind... but when he puts his mind to something, there's no dissuading him." She deactivated the holo. "I won't see you corrupt him." "I have no desire to corrupt your brother - my son," he replied. "I only want to bring him back. I want both of my children back." "Then you shouldn't have lost us in the first place," she snapped. "What happened to you? What happened to the man who should have been my father? And what did you do to my mother?" Her words struck him like gunfire, and he had to look away. "That is for another time..." "No," she insisted. "I have to know. I have a right to know. Just as much as you have the right to know about me." "You will do well to remember your place, daughter," he ordered. "And you'll do well to remember that I have no intention of joining the Empire. Whether or not you're my father." — Such emotions And Palpatine, heading to Tattoone to do what, I wonder. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Luke getting his first experience with snow and snowball fight. But still runs a foul of that furry beast. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Like making friends, and making Han laugh and make a mess. Sharing a bit of Tuskens culture. —- He raised his hand and reached for her, but she backed away, her gorge rising. "Come here," he ordered. "Don't touch me," she hissed. "I have no intention of violating you in any way, Princess," he replied. "It is the furthest thing from my mind." "Then why have you brought me here?" she demanded. "What do you want of me? If you think I'm going to betray the Alliance for you, you're stupider than I thought!" "I have come to tell you the truth, your Highness. The truth that has been hidden from you since your infancy." "You wouldn't know the truth if it sat on you," she retorted. She could tell he dearly wanted to strike at her for that remark, but he restrained himself with effort. "Obi-wan and Bail Organa never told you what happened to your father. Your true father." "You killed him!" she shot back. "You murdered my father!" Vader bristled visibly at that remark. She couldn't hide a triumphant smirk. For one who speaks of revealing the truth, you seem to have an aversion to it... "No, Princess," he replied, a strange satisfaction lacing his words. "I am your father." Leia stared at him, shock draining her mind of any coherent thought. No... it couldn't be... "Search your feelings," he continued. "You know it to be true." She shook her head, backing away from him until she felt the cold metal of the wall at her back. He lied. He lied! Her father couldn't be this monster! Her father was a Jedi Knight, Obi-wan's student, a powerful and noble warrior... not this mad beast of darkness that fed on and destroyed all he touched, who bore the blood of thousands on his blade and hands... "Leia," he murmured, closing the distance between them. One black-sheathed hand reached up to touch the side of her face. "Your mother, Padme... she would have been proud of you. You look just like her." Padme... how did he know her mother's name? She had only the faintest memories of her; Bail had told her she had died when she was very young. But somehow her name and face had been emblazoned upon her memory like a brand, as familiar as if she had seen her every day of her childhood. A face full of beauty, nobility, kindness... and yet an unfathomable sadness as well. But only she and Bail knew of Leia's connection to her. How could this demon know... unless... "No," she moaned, turning away from him, tears filling her eyes. "Please..." "You are my daughter," he said firmly. "You can no longer deny it. Padme Amidala was your mother... and my wife. You and your brother were taken from me by the Jedi after her death. All these years I have sought you..." "Stop!" Her fists struck his chest, bruising against the steel armor and control panel, though she hardly noticed the pain. "Just stop! You can't be my father! I can't be your daughter... I just can't..." — Poor Leia. :( |