Reviews for A DADA Interview
The Red Planet chapter 1 . 10/21/2011
I kinda guessed who the applicant was from the beginning. :P

I really don't like Dumbledore, so I enjoyed his foolishness. The name Voldemort gave him should really have rang some bells. I hardly think Marvolo is that common a name - and E. Nigma definitely sounds suspicious.

Harry was too trusting, too. He sensed something was wrong, yet obeyed the new Professor. Well, too bad for him.

Teehee, I love fics where Voldemort wins, one way or another. I don't wish Harry dead, though. :D
taxzombie chapter 1 . 8/17/2011
Now that was a twisted crack fic.
sleepngdragon chapter 1 . 8/13/2011
If you have to kill him, wait until May when he gets his yearly dose of chaos.

- WTF Dumbles? xD

Loooolll! Dumbles is waaay too trusting
animato22 chapter 1 . 5/18/2011
blueyblonde chapter 1 . 4/1/2011
i love it
Corpium chapter 1 . 1/15/2011
Lol, I loved it. And with the teachers Dumbledore has hired, I can actually believe that this would be possible in canon, sadly enough(but only if the teacher didn't include his real middle name).

Thanks for the laugh!
Helily chapter 1 . 1/10/2011
Lolol yay! Bye bye Harry Potter. Voldemort finally got the Defense job, excellent. Lawl.
Nekid chapter 1 . 12/6/2010
That cracked me up! I was so funny! I loved it.
potterblacklupin-4ever chapter 1 . 9/2/2010
LOL, I like it :)

nicely done!
Lucy's Echos chapter 1 . 5/3/2010
That was just funny, and I can so see Dumbledore and Voldemort ending up in a situation like this.
me chapter 1 . 1/5/2010
you know, i can actually picture dumbles hireing voldie as a proffesser and not noticing...
demort chapter 1 . 9/14/2009
Given how Dumbles was lax about it in the first year and the gaping plot holes, I wouldn't be surprised if that ever actually did happen

Splash123 chapter 1 . 9/7/2009
Ouch! Poor Harry! And stupid Dumbledore!

Nice job!

Sorry for so many exclaimation marks!
anemix chapter 1 . 9/4/2009
Cool, but not so funny.


( . .)


Stygian Styx chapter 1 . 6/10/2009
oh teh lulz!
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