Reviews for Dear Annie
Guest chapter 12 . 8/25
Aren't they ninjas how could sakura get easily scared like this?
Guest chapter 22 . 10/10/2023
Loved this love SasuSaku so freaking much.
Itadakimasu chapter 22 . 11/19/2022
Thank you for the food! Not gonna lie, it was a little cringy and read more like a crack fic at the start but it made me laugh so I kept reading it. Then your writing started maturing and the story started getting something more in there: it was enjoyable following the progression of your writing as well as the plot! Also, I don't know if I was just blind, but when did sasusaku ever establish that they were dating? It kind of felt like they were pranking each other then it went to Sasuke flirting with Sakura and then in the next chapter she mentions they started dating two days ago? That seemed a little disjointed, imo but maybe I didn't read it right.
And Sakura being happy she wasn't responsible for her father's murder wrapped up a little plot hole in my mind, because the way you wrote Sakura at the start, she was more than capable of snapping her father's neck yet she never did, so you including that helped me understand why she didn't (in addition to her trauma, of course).
Overall, great story!
emberbyun chapter 17 . 8/28/2022
1991 oH.I get it I get it now
emberbyun chapter 16 . 8/28/2022


ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww how in the world can anyone wear that monstrosity that too w a shirt?! you've got to be frekin kidding me
emberbyun chapter 16 . 8/28/2022
sakura acts like a karen! ughh
Guest chapter 15 . 1/10/2022
I see that you have truly matured at the time you wrote this. the scenes become more detailed with real life actual problems (bills, emotions, stress) which can be translated into the shinobi world as well, less mentions of material stuff and more storytelling. this is also the first time I've noted that I've laughed at least 4 times (this or the previous chapter if not this). good to see improvement from a story I almost stopped reading earlier. the fluff, the teensy kisses peppered into scenes were also written in better.
Guest chapter 14 . 1/10/2022
did they leave her mom in the hospital? was she confined? probably an unimportant part of her life to be left out of the story?..

srsly, how many more dangers for the damsel in distress? because I'd like to add in more ideas lol
Guest chapter 13 . 1/10/2022
no police report whatsoever?
it's good to see little details of her filing reports at work, encoding patient data. that's the stuff!
Guest chapter 12 . 1/10/2022
yeah, definitely Cribs worthy. they have it all, don't they?
Guest chapter 11 . 1/10/2022
non-angst Sasuke in a festival is in the right place. applause! that was actually cute, like all festival scenes should be
Guest chapter 10 . 1/10/2022
so here we're finally getting to some plot. 10th chapter in, I must say I really miss the chats they had, but this is a welcome development.

a side note: "hot breath" could just be written as warmth. Ducati motorcycle could just be Ducati, so you could make the others who are unfamiliar search a nit. you don't need to give away all the words. let the readers think for themselves sometimes.
Guest chapter 9 . 1/10/2022
I don't know where this is going, but I suspect that you are following the animé, you insert fillers here and there, to the point that plot is lost. or maybe there's no plot considering that the title is Dear Annie and that column on the school paper is just a trivial thing on the side.

one thing I noticed though is that this seems to have been written by a young teen, so I'm pretty sure readers forgive you for that. and sure, you may think math is icky, but that really depends on who's teaching and how far your mind will be able to connect its usefulness to your future (be it career-wise or regarding daily stuff like budgeting, rent, etc.)

I hope the writer has grown in maturity from the time they wrote this.
Guest chapter 6 . 1/10/2022
oh, and I'm surprised Naruto didn't feel the need to be overprotective this time... maybe it's because he isn't close friends with Sakura yet?
Guest chapter 6 . 1/10/2022
yeah IDK... we haven't established if Sakura feels anything for Sasuke at this point, so I'm a little uncomfortable about most of it. but I was in awe of the house I had imagined in my mind, with tweaks to your design.
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