Reviews for In Loco Parentis
Cassiemilanese4215 chapter 18 . 4/21
This story has been so amazing!
Ravenwolfice chapter 18 . 1/30
This is one of my favorite Alex rider angst with k unit as guardians fanfic. Whenever I'm in the mood to read Alex rider fanfic this is the one I ALWAYS go back to. I know it's been about 15 years since it's been updated but some part of me always dreams it'll be finished

Hope things are going well for you in that time frame :)
Liseron chapter 18 . 8/21/2023
I liked your story and hope there will be more chapters! Thank you for sharing it with us !
Cyber chapter 18 . 1/20/2023
You’re likely never going to update this again, based on your time stamp, but I just wanted to say that this was amazingly well written and I seriously love this fic. Thank you so much for the writing you did I seriously enjoyed it.
Gotta Love a Story chapter 10 . 7/15/2021
Well as someone who is training to be a teacher, I’m glad that SOMEONE spoke to Alex about this! I mean, when I’m a teacher, I’m one of my students had prolonged absences and are injured when they returned I’d been speaking with to my safeguarding officer and the child to make sure everything is alright. You don’t have to have Sherlock’s skills of deduction to realise something is wrong with Alex’s home life or at the very least there’s something going on besides illness.
ryddance chapter 17 . 4/13/2021
Do you have any plans on updating this story after you finish HIOP?
Titan Complex chapter 18 . 3/4/2021
ig this isnt being updated anymore, but anyways, thanks for the great story
PurePreet chapter 18 . 3/4/2021
of course I enjoyed it! will we be seeing more of Bear?
PurePreet chapter 11 . 3/4/2021
no love lost for lucy...
PurePreet chapter 8 . 3/4/2021
i'm gonna love the next chapter, and gloria... my dear...

(note: to Gloria, NOT, i repeat NOT the author)
PurePreet chapter 7 . 3/4/2021
like it
Treatyw chapter 9 . 2/23/2021
I have literally come back to read this a dozen times just to re-read that line where Alex says "what? its not like I've never killed people before"

just something about how that comes across!
Guest chapter 2 . 10/15/2020
I just wanted to let you know that ¿Porque? Means because not why. Sorry just thought you should know
Guest chapter 18 . 8/26/2020
This was a good story to read in 2020 after watching the Alex Rider tv series and re-reading the books up to Scorpia. I needed to see someone notice that Alex needed support in the books and this was done so well. I can see where you did your research and I loved the nuances you gave the interactions between Alex and Tom and k-unit. Thank you for taking the time back in school and 6th form to write this.
fin chapter 18 . 6/25/2020
Awww I always wished you wrote more
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