Reviews for Ghosts in the Fog
CeCe Away chapter 12 . 7/9/2010
I really enjoyed this. Glad it is still up here. Thanks. chapter 12 . 3/4/2010
Well written. I so totally see Sam and Dean in your writing. One question. What was the CD that Dean bought for Sam?
doyleshuny chapter 12 . 10/29/2009
WOW! EXCELLENT WORK! I totally didn't see that it was Linda! I thought that maybe it was her mom or something and that's why she didn't talk about her mom to Sammy. I actually felt bad for Linda at the end. I really loved that! GREAT JOB! (:
doyleshuny chapter 7 . 10/29/2009
Thank God I thought you killed Bear! I was going to stop reading like now if that happened. I LOVE Bear! John huh? yay. NOT my favorite character of all times but he saved Dean so I guess it's cool. EXCELLENT STORY! Thank you for NOT killing Bear!
doyleshuny chapter 1 . 10/29/2009
OMG POOR SAMMY! ): I love Sammy! (: I love Dean! (: Supernatural totally rocks! (: Excellent Job so far! Extremely well written! Oh yeah I love Bobby! (: chapter 12 . 10/7/2009
Great epilogue, finished the story off nicely. A little sad though Sam's desire to be back hunting with Dean doesn't seem so attractive any more but, after all he had been through and watching Linda die with fire too, it is understandable. As they say time is a healer though and Dean will do his best to cheer his little brother up on the car journey from Georgia to California.

A really great read. chapter 11 . 10/7/2009
How awful for Sam to now have to go after the woman who took him in, looked after him and treated him like a son but at least Sam didn't have to kill her, she took the responsibility for that herself so I feel she was still essentially a good person, despite the curse she carried, and she did keep the wraith contained to the forest - but guess she could have ended it earlier.

Loved Dean's questions to Sam to make sure he was all Sam now his memory had come back, great brotherly banter there.

Sounds like the wraith has had a go at both John and Dean though but thank goodness the threat is over now for good. chapter 10 . 10/7/2009
Hm, Linda seemed very attached to that pic of her and her mother, or am I barking up the wrong tree here? Quite possible!

Great that Sam seems to have all his memories back and so funny him providing Missouri with the truth about Dean mowing lawns that summer! But where is Linda, has she disappeared suddenly now that Sam has his memory back or has she just innocently gone to get him some painkillers or something? This story is keeping me intrigued. chapter 9 . 10/7/2009
So someone has summoned and is holding a wraith in the forest, and the only person within miles that they know of is Linda - intriguing. Kinda hope for Sam's sake that they are wrong but it fits. And if it is Linda they were all taken in by her as none of them were suspicious but they need to be alert as they don't want her to know what they have found just in case. chapter 8 . 10/7/2009
Interesting as to why Sam didn't surprise Dean at the hotel he knew he was staying at - have the co-ordinates in Sam's journal got something to do with it? And kinda sad that although Sam suggested they share a room he still feels Dean is too much of a stranger to share a bed with him as they did when they were younger, he is more comfortable sleeping on the floor. Sounds a little dangerous going back into those woods but it will be during daylight, they will be prepared and their dad will be with them. chapter 7 . 10/7/2009
Wow, dramatic chapter. Dean really didn't hold back with Sam there, giving him a potted life history with both barrels - no wonder Missouri got him to come outside and calm down! And now Dean knows exactly why Sam was so fearful, having experiences the evil entity himself. How opportune that John chose that exact time to turn up and save Dean with the holy water loaded water gun! There's going to be some conversation happening now, which is going to be quite awkward if Sam still doesn't remember anything. Glad Bear survived too. chapter 6 . 10/6/2009
Good that they are talking and Sam is asking questions about things he has dreamt about and Dean is filling in the gaps. And good too that Sam is being open about the dark creature lurking out there, waiting for him. Hopefully they will find out what it is and defeat it before it get to the younger Winchester - but with them things are never that easy!

Damn, off to work now, will have to read the rest of this story tomorrow! chapter 5 . 10/6/2009
At least Dean and Missouri have learned how Sam went missing and that Sam has divulged that some big cat was after him and that he still doesn't feel safe, knowing it's still out there. And Linda has taken everything that is happening surprisingly well but is obviously looking out for Sam. Hope that Sam and Dean make some headway with their conversation. chapter 4 . 10/6/2009
Good that Sam has started having flashbacks, even if he doesn't really know much about what he is seeing but at least he recognised Dean from them when he and Missouri turned up, even though he doesn't know who he is. And how awful for Dean realising that his little brother doesn't recognise him. chapter 3 . 10/6/2009
So Missouri has contacted Linda and found at that Sam is at her bed and breakfast, thank goodness for her psychic abilities! And now that she has contacted Dean they are, hopefully, going to find Sam. Wonder what sort of reception they will receive from Linda, who has grown fond of Sam and wants to protect him? But how will Dean feel when he finds his little brother has no memory of him?
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