Reviews for Eternal Curse
amrawo chapter 17 . 8/20/2006
great chapters! i loved them! update soon!
Miss Apple Pie chapter 17 . 8/18/2006
no one could not pay me to stop reading this story- really! I would not knowing the ending!
powderedsugar chapter 17 . 8/18/2006
what is the big announcement is some one getting married?
the Jersey Girl Next Door chapter 17 . 8/18/2006
aw Jack made sure Hermione was cleared of all charges how sweet... Poor Ginny Im really sad Ron died... please upadte as soon as possible
Sam's Firefly chapter 17 . 8/17/2006
i like these chapters so much better than15. 15 was...boring. no 'fense! I really like that jack's letting Hermione go. haha. she better find a way to get home and bring Ron back! I refuse to believe you killed Ron off! That this will all be a dream Hermione or someone else dreams after watching Pirates of the Carribean

RON CAN'T OF DIED! (wanna know whats sad? This is the most I've reacted to someone dying, and he's not even my most favorite character. Hermione and Harry are then Ron...) hm.
akina-kisa chapter 17 . 8/17/2006
You deserve a hundred reviews! This story is so good!
akina-kisa chapter 16 . 8/17/2006
Short, but still cute
Makotochi chapter 17 . 8/17/2006
Sorry to see Ron die a couple f chapters ago, it did clear the path for Hermione and Jack (a stranger couple the Hermione and Ron) which is good (though Im still not sure that was needed.)

Wish the Chapter could be longer with a little more detial but this is overall a decent story
powderedsugar chapter 15 . 8/17/2006
im actually ok with ron dying now i mean he was kinda not involed as much in the story as the other characters good job and keep writing
the Jersey Girl Next Door chapter 15 . 8/17/2006
OMG I love the pairings they are so great... is ron really dead cuz if so that stinks... please upadte as soon as possible
saltkettle chapter 14 . 8/16/2006
Poor Ron, but I guess he had to die so Jack wouldn't have any competition...JK, Lovely story by the way, It's fast paced and easie to read, though Elizebeth and Harry are a bit loveydovey...
Miss Apple Pie chapter 15 . 8/16/2006
I am still loving my story! I think you need to show more of ginny and will also harry and elizabeth!
Sam's Firefly chapter 15 . 8/16/2006
akina-kisa chapter 15 . 8/16/2006
How sad and cute! Poor Hermione, her feelings are so mixed up!
amrawo chapter 15 . 8/16/2006
great chapter! loved it! update soon!
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