Reviews for Old Ghosts
The Coy Koi chapter 6 . 8/29/2012
That was one of the best fanfictions that I've read in a long time, and I've read way too many fanfictions for my own good. Thank you for writing it.
kaimenwolf chapter 6 . 8/20/2012
I am amazed at your writing skills! You write most beautifully. You are able to capture your readers hearts within the first few paragraphs and you write in such a way that your reader cannot stop reading until they've read the entire story. If you are not a professional writer, you should be! I look forward to reading more of your works. Please don't stop writing! Ever!
sami1010220 chapter 6 . 7/14/2012
wow, great job!
Subtlelife chapter 6 . 5/9/2012
This story was so captivating that I couldn’t put it down; I really hated to see it end!
Subtlelife chapter 3 . 5/9/2012
I’m glad that Nick’s accepted Dean and Sam’s relationship. These two are such an adorable couple!
Subtlelife chapter 1 . 5/9/2012
What an erotic start to this story; I'm looking forward to reading more!
BlackBeautyQueen33 chapter 6 . 5/4/2012
Oh my gosh that was beautiful! and sweet and hot and...yeah I'll shut up now.
Sofia Razvi chapter 6 . 4/10/2012
Beautiful. Beyond beautiful, really. I think i got dehydrated on reading this story.

Just a little something: i don't know if you've heard jensen's 'just you', but you should if you haven't. the song itself is no great shakes but the fact that the lyrics are near perfect for sam and dean in the story is what's got me hooked to the song.
Reinamy chapter 6 . 3/19/2012
I loved this story to absolute bits! Thanks so much for sharing! 3
Akuro13 chapter 6 . 2/26/2012
too perfect. wow, was this perfect. Loved this immensely! and your writing is astounding .
koryssa-kory chapter 6 . 1/10/2012
I approve! XD
Rokkis chapter 6 . 10/9/2011
That was kind of awesome... in a very weird way.

And I liked the fact that they didn't give a shit about all the ghost things, though I do wonder who knew their adress...

ILBS chapter 6 . 10/1/2011
A wonderful story!

How the two meet, get to know each other and come together - and also how they behave when they find out everything

and especially how they solve their "problem" - you've just described it incredible and yet so believable.

I would like to read more of this kind.
SoulofChibs chapter 6 . 9/16/2011
Gotta say, you had me a bit worried there, but you pulled out the stops at the end. LOVED IT! more more more more more
SoulofChibs chapter 3 . 9/16/2011
I never know if I am going to like the Winchesters as non brothers (and I know they find out they are actually brothers at some point, but even so) but it surprises me every time I read a story like this how fricking romantic they are! This is a really well written story so far, I am really enjoying it, and Dean being so works. It really does. I am afraid for them to break up when they find out their brothers and PS I am tired as hell, I have been up since 530 and NO WAY am I going to bed until I finish this story and maybe the sequel. What they hey, its Saturday tomorrow!
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