Reviews for Of Duty, Atonement, and Redemption
scifipony chapter 24 . 1/31/2023
I can't tell you how many times I've reread this story, so I guess it's finally time I said an actual 'thank you' for writing and sharing it! This is one of my comfort fics. When life is just too much, I pull this fic back out and once again dive into this incredible 153k masterpiece. It keeps me company when the insomnia hits and is a source of entertainment/distraction when I'm sick. So... just... thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for this wonderfully insightful bit of introspection into the heart and soul of Rodney McKay, and for providing exactly the right amount of hurt/comfort to balance out in the end. Don't know if you're still active on this site, but I hope you know how very happy your writing has made random strangers on the internet. Have an awesome day!
Guest chapter 24 . 4/24/2022
Enjoyed this very much. Could not stop reading.
dragonquest1313 chapter 24 . 4/1/2021
Thank you for this wonderful story, I enjoyed it very much!
sissel snape chapter 24 . 8/3/2020
WOW! What a great piece of work. I just couldn't get my eyes off of it. And it nearly got me in tears by the end (well, actually it did got me in tears). I didn't like your Sheppard at the beginning, but later, with all this psychological ordeal going by, I just got the grasp of him. You did VERY WELL in writing McKay, Sheppard and Lorne. And Zelenka as well. I don't like Elizabeth at all, so I won't comment on her. But the story is wonderful and immediately lands on my favourites' list.
atlantisfan chapter 24 . 5/7/2018
thank you so much!
what a wonderful story, so beautifully written.
I enjoyed reading it very much-you have a wonderful way of putting people's feelings, actions their reasons and consequences into exactly the right words!
the dialogs you wrote for Dr. Z and McKay were witty and hilarious and eloquent-a big highlight.
so thank you again for all the time and effort you put into this marvelous story :)
Napsalot chapter 24 . 4/21/2018
Disgusting ending. What, we should be happy they manipulated him to stay? What the hell. Abusive characters the whole lot of them.
Amalthia chapter 24 . 5/7/2017
I enjoyed your story. I loved the plot, character voices, and I'm glad the team decided to try again.
cathyfaires chapter 24 . 2/23/2017
I love that story hope you write another story smiles
fanswell chapter 24 . 11/1/2016
Such a beautifully written story. And so meaningful
jane-rjt chapter 24 . 9/8/2015
Thank you so much for this. The plotting and characters were excellent. It's a rare thing in Fan Fiction to find an episodic standalone tale which really delivers, so 9 years after you posted the last chapter, I just want to say Well Done.
MandaScooby chapter 24 . 8/4/2015
I'm about 9 years late to the party, but I felt I'd be ungrateful if I didn't leave a review. This is the most beautiful SGA fanfiction I've read. Thank you!
LavenderGecko chapter 24 . 5/5/2015
Type your review for this chapter here...
Guest chapter 24 . 3/23/2015
Amazing, I love this story :)
The Reviewer chapter 24 . 12/24/2014
Marvelous read it at once, just awesome! :)
Your Fan chapter 24 . 11/29/2014
This is an amazing story really really great, thanks for writing it
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