Reviews for Brief Interviews with Best Friends
adele4 chapter 5 . 12/3/2008
Great idea and execution! All of them were really in character; I especially liked the things they said about Yuugi, and then Yuugi's own interview (he is so loveable!), and Yami's appearance at the end; his last lines... They should have listened to Jounouchi there! XD
kasmo chapter 5 . 6/25/2008
Oh, I loved the footnote from the Naval Intelligence at the beginning. Who wouldn't fall immediately in love with how adorable Yugi looks? It's inevitable. Plus, his sweet nature just makes it so you can't hate him. It's just, well I don't know, but it just makes it all the more incredible that he has that effect on people and he doesn't even realise it.

I liked the part where the person asking the questions didn't even bother to ask Yugi about if he was doing this for fame anymore after speaking to him at the beginning. Anyone with a brain would notice straight off the bat that he wouldn't.

"So, we are supposed to believe that acts of cyber terrorism we’re committed all for a card game?"

I think you meant 'were' without the apostrophe.

I feel bad for Yugi that he had to be put into that interrogation in the first place though. I'm glad Yami was there to take over for him. Yugi's nature just isn't meant for facing such conflicts the same way Yami and Kaiba can. After all, it would require being manipulative and argumentative to people who are only trying to do their jobs, which isn't nice.

And tsk, it seems they didn't remember Joey's warning from the beginning, agreeing to play a game with the King of Games.

"All of it could really go to your head, can’t it?"

Well, I don't know if it really can't be written this way, but usually in sentences, you use one tense consecutively, so it should be either 'could' and 'couldn't' or 'can' and 'can't', I think.

Great fic, by the way. I really enjoyed reading it.
kasmo chapter 4 . 6/25/2008
Oh, I could practically feel Kaiba's irritation in this fic. He totally ruled that meeting, as expected. The beginning footnote from the Office of Naval Intelligence really amused me. Then again, not many are going to say no to Seto Kaiba, are they?

"I’ve answer enough questions, and if you wish to ask me more, you can contact my lawyer."

'Answer' should be in past tense.

"Now you’re pointing fingers and hoping you point to the right person."

Well, this just may be me being picky, but the sentence sounds wrong to me. I would think it would sound better if it was either

'Now you’re pointing fingers and hoping they point to the right person.'


'Now you’re pointing fingers and hoping you point at the right person.'

"Now, each card as a certain number of attack points."

Here, you just missed the 'h' in 'has'.
kasmo chapter 3 . 6/25/2008
The title of 'martyr' does seem to fit the bill for Yugi, but I guess all heroes are like that. It's sad though, that's true. I can understand why Tea or Anzu was so distraught.

Now, I hope you don't mind if I make a few suggestions, since some points in this chapter didn't seem to jump out at me as much as the previous two.

"And he’s always tries to be there when you need him, and sometimes even when you don’t realize you need him!...And you never realize how lost you are when he’s gone…"

First, 'he's' should actually be 'he'. Also, I think replacing 'when' with 'until' fits better, since it actually gets across the sense of loss. Something like 'and you never realise how lost you are without him until he's gone'.

As for the last sentence: "Even…Even if he needs me there or not."

I think 'whether' sounds better than 'even if' there.
kasmo chapter 2 . 6/25/2008
Your ending questions really capture one's attention. I don't know much about Honda or Tristan's character, other than loyal and responsible, but I really liked the way you wrote him here. The way he drove the interview in circles was brilliant.

Just one thing:

"And the one time my friends and I needed police assistant..."

I believe it's 'assistance' not 'assistant'.
kasmo chapter 1 . 6/25/2008
This fic definitely has a unique plotline. Joey or Jou, since you use the Japanese names, seems very in character. I like how you were able to get that across even in an interrogation type setting.

I also liked the part where Joey was warning the people asking the questions about Yami and the last question was funny too.

I do have one point of contention though. I would think Yugi is sweet and innocent. His appearance and mannerisms seem to indicate that.
Nyago chapter 5 . 3/4/2008
I didn't see any Angst in any chapter, all I did was laugh my ass off because I can totally image this would happen if it was real. XD Awesome job.

flirtyalphonse chapter 5 . 11/19/2007
That was hilarious! I loved it so much. Definitely one of my favorites!
randomgirl chapter 5 . 5/29/2007
Huh! Interesting. It seemed like Yuugi switched to Yami no Yugi about halfway through the interview. Was that what you were going for? If so, good job! Good story in general.
Stella Wind chapter 5 . 4/2/2007
As someone who did not think much of the Doma arc, I must say this is utterly fantastic. It was funny, and prefect. In the Seto interview, it seemed weird for him to be offering to let the guy draw, until he drew the Blue Eyes, that just made it fit. The ending of all of these is great, and I hope you keep writing! /end fangirl squealing
Ysabet chapter 5 . 3/12/2007
Whoah. NICE fic, with a very original idea. I admit to a certain curiosity as to how the game at the end played out (other than knowing that Yugi-oh won, of course) and just how much therapy the interviewer had to have afterwards. _ Good piece of writing!
Gijinka Renamon chapter 5 . 2/3/2007
Interesting idea. I'm not sure, but I think Anzu's chapter is my favorite.
aditou chapter 5 . 1/1/2007
This was really funny and cool at the same time. Nice job.
Moonclaw chapter 5 . 12/21/2006
hehe, Nice job, almost feel sorry for the person interigating Yugi/Yami...almost. You did an excellent job with the transition between Yugi and Yami. Love how you included his famous 'Let's play a game' line. _.
Sour Schuyler chapter 5 . 12/18/2006
- Yami never loses. Funny story! I really liked it.
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