Reviews for Stranger Than Fiction
Guest chapter 5 . 4/22/2013
This... Is... AAAAAAAAmazingggggggggggg
weather witch nami chapter 12 . 4/18/2013
ReaderNicholas666 chapter 12 . 3/27/2013
This story is epic. I cried nearly every chapter it moved me so much. I eagerly look forward to the next chapter.
Crickez chapter 10 . 3/16/2013
"I jumped at the sudden sound of Chibi-Himes voice." That made me think of that panda cub sneezing, scaring the shit out of his mom.. Heh. Dat picture :3
What Doesn't Kill Ya chapter 12 . 3/14/2013
I love this story, it's wonderfully written in its subtly, and it does the fandom justice.
Beyond a few spelling errors, I find little wrong with this fic, but that's just my opinion.
I am wondering if it shall be continued, and I hope it will be.
Thank you for writing this wonderful story.
SeanS chapter 12 . 3/9/2013
Been awhile since Ive read this. Just as good as the first time. Even though it probably will never be finished, it will still stay on my list of stories to re read. Thanks for the great story.
Ethyrin Kairos chapter 12 . 2/9/2013
Oh this is just too amazing to put to words! I've been reading some excellent fanfics recently. If only they were not mostly abandoned...
DJC1111 chapter 12 . 1/13/2013
I'm a g, but I think I just did a fan girl and squealed hehe. Excellent writing ability!
DJC1111 chapter 2 . 1/13/2013
I seriously think that you should write the whole kyu chronicles as a fanfic. Like the story that this story is about lol. It captures something in me. I know it's naruto, but still yeah I'm speechless
mnementh2000 chapter 11 . 12/25/2012
This is one of the finest stories I have had the privilege of reading here on FF. It is so well written, so full of emotion and character development, and so rich in meanings, that it draws the reader in whether they wish it or not. Add in the fact that it details many behind the scenes happenings and motivations, as well as Naruto's own thoughts, so expertly relayed and revealed for the first time as his mask is lifted for all to view him for who he is, and you receive a magnificent look at one of the most remarkable and deep people in anime/manga. True, this IS a work of one person's imagination and all, but it reads so real and so close to the actual characters in 'canon', that it might well have been an official part of the story line - even IF we didn't see where the official story was to be taken eventually with recent(?) chapters.

My one regret, despite the few misused/misspelled words, is the fact that it has apparently been abandoned and has not been updated in 5 years - such a tragedy with so well written a piece. If you actually receive and read this review, please consider at least finishing out the story, even if it means only one last chapter in conclusion. This is too well written to let it fall to the wayside unfinished, and a little closure would be appreciated.
Dashusi4ka chapter 12 . 12/11/2012
god, it's beautiful.. why must the masterpieces always be left unfinished?
Neava Kaeth chapter 12 . 11/26/2012
love this so much where to go next...
loveiaoy chapter 12 . 11/21/2012
It would really be a waste if you don't continue this I love the uniqeness of them story
Dark Elpis chapter 12 . 11/19/2012
This is ... surprisingly deep. in a good way. Very well written.
bubbajack chapter 12 . 11/6/2012
After reading all twelve of the current chapters I've gotta say this is one of the most entertaining and heart-wrenching Naruto fics I've ever had the pleasure of reading! There were parts where I was tearing up a bit and the recations of everyone reading this was great! I'm assuming this takes plaece during the timeskip correct?

Well regurdless, I know one thing for sure... Naruto is going to have a Harem on his hand when he gets back! I look forward to the next chapter! Till then,

-Bubbajack out!
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