Reviews for Counterclockwise
Zenzes chapter 8 . 9/2/2016
Going through Cloud/Leon stories COUNTERCLOCKWISE (coughcough) and I come across this gem. "No Zen, do not become attached to this story, it's been 9 years" I told myself and utterly failed.
Despite you probably never coming across this comment I feel the burning need to leave it anyway :)

First of all, man, I feel somehow really... bad? for Leon/Squall? Like, he wants his own life back, which is fully comprehensible but being with Cloud and what comes with it makes him so happy? I don't know what I would suggest him to do if I could.
Also Cid. Just, Cid. I didn't know I needed him handling a child but I certainly do now, it broke my heart? And it's soo sweet too! Well, except maybe the whole let's-throw-Squall-into-the-water thing.
There were so many things I was planning to adress, but when trying to sort it and write it out, my mind becomes a garbled mess.
But man, I as stupid as it sounds, I've been trying to not become TOO attached, but with the last chapter and even more questions forming, I couldn't help it at all. Which means GREAT JOB. I'm utterly in love with your characterisation, it was nice seeing so many characters slowly showing up one after another with the roles they play. Not to mention the length of each chapter. Just. MWAH. It's a BLESSING.
punkyfish208 chapter 8 . 6/30/2014
This story is really good! There's a mysterious background, and lots of questions concerning the future, and textbook! I'm really looking forward to seeing this all resolved (I also wanna know why - unless I missed it - but WHY did Aerith and Yuffie make the potion in the first place?!). I love the cute little romance blossoming, and I wonder how its gonna pan out when/if Squall ends up Leon again.

It's been a long time, but please update :)
Winter Leigh End chapter 8 . 6/27/2014
Despite the fact that you have never continued this, it's still one if my favorite on
Guest chapter 8 . 5/11/2014


SerenadePanda chapter 8 . 4/22/2014
I really LOVE it
i love the way how you write the progress of Leon and Cloud relationship, from enemy to a well-paced love, and how you written Cloud's live
sooo, its been seven years since your last update...
update it? pretty please?
lilexa chapter 8 . 5/12/2013
Hey yo, just a shoutout to say how awesome this story is. Have an awesome day or night whatever just yeah bye.
w- easy enough chapter 8 . 9/26/2012
aww, poor Cloud. I hope Leon turns back soon, so that he can help out Cloud.
Wraith chapter 8 . 8/14/2012
Love it, update?
kaae chapter 8 . 10/4/2011
I recently came by this story via a favorite link from another author. Mostly, I couldn't sleep and wanted something to read and I was delighted when I started to read Counterclockwise and found myself lost in your story. And while I suspect there will not be a conclusion to this tale, I wanted to say that I really enjoyed what you have written and shared with us and to say thank you.

The chapters were long, but paced well. Characters were well written and believable for their environments. The little glimpses through the photographs that 'Squall' digs up were very wonderful touches and I relished the time you took to carve out some real personality for Cid (who tends to be some standoffish gruff guy who only pops in sometimes in the KH fanfictions for Cleon stories). The setting for Cloud and Leon at the start of the story was interesting as well, with some good hinting that something might be off and you kept some good reminders of that element of the story amidst the fluff of Cloud and 'Squall' - with some really great foreshadowing of another layer of possible story of finding the real instigator of the text book bullying and not just Squall returning to Leon.

Also, I liked that you've patiently written out the growing relationship between Cloud and Squall. It didn't feel incredibly forced, but rather a slow growth - which I really enjoyed. Also, seeing Squall seeing these glimpses of what he didn't have with the little things you wrote in, from seeing what it is like to have a mother, to realizations of Zack being like a dad and parallels to Laguna, to moments where Squall sees Cloud like a brother at points. All these little bits here and there that really just made Squall's time in the Strife household feel more meaningful in my mind and not just a simple plot device to create a romance.

There is more I would love to say, but this is wall-o-texting. Should you ever continue this story I will be among it's readers. Even if not, it has become a favorite to me and I'll likely be rereading it again because even unconcluded, it is fluffy and warm. Thank you for sharing what you've written and I hope you are well.
TSRM chapter 8 . 7/9/2011
Apparently I'm not the only one that wants you to continue this story, but it doesn't hurt to try right? Please continue. The fact Leon-er, Squall lasted this long to surpress his attraction for Cloud make this story more interesting, instead of falling for him really quick, seriously, a nice change. Hope it won't take very much to upload? Or maybe in another site? I'm very thrilled.
Sapphirethief chapter 8 . 5/12/2011
I know its been a while since you have written on this and it might be hard to find a muse for it but please for the love of all thats cute and cuddly write more! Please oh please update this story!
ffftw chapter 8 . 4/15/2011
awesome. just awesome.
AinikuSamada chapter 8 . 3/14/2011
Why did it stop! i love this story too much for it to stop! you have to get the story going again!
underhandlilies chapter 1 . 11/1/2010
I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this story. PLEASE come back and finish it! You've left it at such a cliffhanger, too! Is Demyx bad? Who is the mysterious man?
BRP chapter 8 . 10/15/2010
OMG. Don't do this to me please. Please! I'm begging you to update like now. I need to know what happens next.
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