Reviews for Counterclockwise
Soul Writer Of Dark Truth chapter 8 . 2/27/2007
You. Must. Update. And can I get a 6-year-old Squall plushie? SO KAWAII! XDD
Enan chapter 8 . 2/18/2007
Hello, i just want to say that you are a fabulous autor and that I am honored to be able to read them.

I really like Counterclokwise and Chocolate from your livejournal.

Yuffie sure is an annoying ghost lol.

Sorry for my bad english but I am french and I try to improve my english by reading fanfiction.

I hope that you plan to update Chocolate soon.

What else, oh yeah I love CLC, and especially when Cloud is in charge and take Leon is the most shy.

Please update soon I will wait with impatience.

Tes histoires me font autant réver que le jeux video tellement que je suis jalouse de ton talent mais tant que tous en fait profiter tout va bien.

Bonne continuation.

Good bye.
minoki chapter 8 . 2/17/2007
I AM COMPLETELY IN LOVE WITH THIS FIC! i hope you update soon. it's well wriiten...anyways update
new moongirl chapter 8 . 2/14/2007
more please..itsturning into amystery. :)
The Meta chapter 8 . 2/8/2007
This chapter wasn't boring. I found it VERY funny. lol. I've been reading this for a few days now, and its sad to know its already half finsihed. Oh well. Anyway, I really like the idea of this, very good and I look forward to reading more.
the.downfall chapter 8 . 2/7/2007
ohmyGAWD. this is FAR from being one of your boringest chapters. this is awesome!

oh, what's gonna happen to cloud. man it's so unfair for him :( your story's got me all frustrated!

yayy, some leoncloud goodness. although leon/squall is only 6 years old...hmm, goodness.

and the part where squall finds cloud's porno... pure genius. I was stiffling back my laughter the WHOLE time. great great chap can't wait for the next one!
Jan-chan chapter 8 . 2/7/2007
Oh no! Not boring at all! It was rather amuzing for me to read about 'Dem-Dem' lol! Oh how you tease! I love what's going on between Cloud and Squall! *whe* Gambate for the next chapter! I will be anxiously waiting for it! xD
Silver-Angel-Wings chapter 8 . 2/5/2007
Great Dem is in on it too. The bastard. Love the story. Buh-bye.

high chapter 8 . 2/5/2007
goddammit where is my lxc porny dream! i am not happy hana. you have a lot to answer for now. hmph.
PuPu.Lyn chapter 8 . 2/4/2007
YAY! update! aw I read it already..;_;

naww poor leon-er-squall-leon! aw I luff him so much in this fic! poor Cloud! not being reconised for his efforts! I love this fic it iz my favorite! Well-done! update REALLY SOON!
cmquietone chapter 8 . 2/3/2007
I don't know about anyone else but I found this chapter funny. I love long chapters and this one brought in some new players. Can't wait for the next part.
hittocerebattosai chapter 8 . 2/3/2007
II! Love, love, love! *glee* Thank you for the chapter! *glee* Whee! *dances* Will there be more soon? *puppy eyes* I love it! *grins*
oink12345678910 chapter 8 . 2/3/2007
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Excelent! I loved the part when Squall was like 'I saw Cloud’s pornography.' .

(Warning, generic-) Update soon!
hhgo chapter 8 . 2/3/2007
Hmm... I think I might have to reread a few things in order to fully appreciate this chapter. I wasn't quite ready for Squall to be so open friendly seemingly all of a sudden. Really makes me wonder if I missed something in the previous chapter... which I'm very sure I read...

Anyway, I read this yesterday actually, so I can't remember specifically what I wanted to say about it. Except that, finally! Squall is starting to realize how important Cloud has become to him... I'm a little suspicious, if you will, about what appears to be a conspiracy... I hope that goes over well as I'm not too much of a fan of that type of thing.

But overall, I loved this! Interesting way to start the chapter.

And KENYA! That's great! Hope you enjoy your trip (if it is a trip).
Crazed Up Chick chapter 8 . 2/2/2007
Wow. thats all there is to say. wowness. this is amazing. i hope Kenya is great -
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