Reviews for Raven in the Fog |
mouse chapter 2 . 8/16/2006 Thank you, thank you for the update. Oh, Kal is so bad! Was her family chosen at random for slaughter, or was there a reason? And how will Allie ever survive? (Of course, we know she does... and the 'how' is in the tale yet to come!). And now we dangle on another cliffie-! On with the story! Thanks again! mouse |
annegirl1324 chapter 1 . 8/14/2006 Awesome! Yay for Allie and Kal! I didn't even realize you'd put this up until I read one of the other reviews on the last chapter of "L'ange et Le Monstre". I'm so glad I did. As usual, it's wonderful and I love it. Please update soon! -Anne |
mouse chapter 1 . 8/14/2006 Oh! A good start! Can hardly wait for more! Thanks! mouse |