Reviews for Just Persuasion
lexkixass chapter 1 . 9/22/2006
Awesome, *awesome* story.

THANK you for keeping them in character. Thank you SO much.

Very well written, I am so faving this. And... Thanks for, despite the sad ending, the glimmer you gave that there is still *hope* for them. Because it's hope that lets you face another day. Thank you so much for the awesome story.
merisa chapter 1 . 9/22/2006
This is a truely a beautiful story. It's so well written and thought out. It really makes me want to write myself, even though I don't have a plot or anything keep up the amazing work!
Ziri O chapter 1 . 9/21/2006
This is wonderfully in-character, and it's reallywell done. It's just slightly depressing that an in-character SasuSaku fic can never really have a happy ending. Ah, well. XD
Imaginary Lemur chapter 1 . 9/20/2006
i love this it was very well written. i like how the #1 Crush lyrics fit in with the story. loved it.
inlesbiansavectoi chapter 1 . 9/19/2006
Oh my God! I cried at the end! T.T I loved it! Write more!
ElephantRoom chapter 1 . 9/18/2006
that was so intense and awesome and cute but sad...i LOVED it!
xbroken fairytalex chapter 1 . 9/17/2006
omg, is the story over? well, i liked the story and yeah that's it.

NumbuhZero chapter 1 . 9/17/2006
That was great

It brought a tear to my eye.


Queen of the Gnomes,

Sapere Aude chapter 1 . 9/17/2006
i heart your story very much... T.T
Dionysos chapter 1 . 9/15/2006
WOW wat an amazing fic, so touching and sad it almost made me cry. So detached the whole thing, poor sakura, but amazing writing!
catofcompletechaos chapter 1 . 9/14/2006
Good Story! You said something twice that I was going to submit to you but I've forgotten it. GODDY GOODNESS! TE Oh BTW your story reminds me of llama flavoured cakes. TEE HEE
MoonstrucK 123 chapter 1 . 9/11/2006 im speechless. truly exquisite, painfully realistic.

i loved it.
Jen-Bot chapter 1 . 9/11/2006
An absolutely beautiful story. I really enjoyed how Sasuke and Sakura both were in character through out the entire story and the bitter sweet ending you wrote. Your writting is wonderful I look forward to more of your work.
jayjay chapter 1 . 9/10/2006
Simply Amazing! And so beautiful.
Yunique chapter 1 . 9/10/2006
I was rather fond of this coupling before...until I ended up having an unhealthy obsessesion with Kakasaku. XD

But nowadays, I don't favour this coupling as I use to. I dislike Sasuke now to be honest... from the way he didn't acknowledge Sakura to his betrayal to Konoha and his plain ignorance to the world and all that.

I hesitated to read this, but I figured it would be a worth while read, since it was written by you. :D And I'm glad I bothered to read this. This was beautifully written. No doubt about it. And the fact that the lemon had a purpose in the story is admirable, as I dislike it when people write them out of random for their own pleasure. _

So good job! XD I love it! It was very emotional on Sakura's side, and angsty with a bit of romance you could say? Not to mention the tad bit of humour you always manage to slip in. XD

Their actions, well mainly Sasuke's actions were all realistic you could say. They both weren't the slightest OOC to me. Which is a good thing. :D

Well, I think this story was a good idea. As I'm sure everybody has thought about what happens to ninja hormones. They are human after all. :D XD

Okay I'll shutup before you have the pain of reading more.

Till later~!

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