Reviews for Just Persuasion |
reviewer chapter 1 . 9/10/2006 I don't know what to say other amazing! I've never read a fic where sasuke and sakura are kept in character this much. This is actually how awkward and uncomfortable their first time would be,not other fics where sauue loses it and jumps sakura because of raging hormones. this was so completely sasuke it surprised me. you should do a sequel or continue writing it instead of leaving it as a oneshot. you have amazing writing skills. _ |
Violilac chapter 1 . 9/9/2006 OMFG. *_* Its so beautiful. love it. *-* you are so tallented. O: |
SabakuNoBrandye chapter 1 . 9/8/2006 Omg...that was like really good, very sad though. Thanks! |
VirgoDragon chapter 1 . 9/8/2006 AHG! That was good :) |
DemonGirl11 chapter 1 . 9/7/2006 That was so sad! To be so close to someone, and yet so far away...It's heartbreaking. I feel bad for Sakura. The mood killer part with the sword was hilarious though. |
Moon Titan chapter 1 . 9/7/2006 WOW! That weas really good! I could see that happening in the manga(well if it had THAT kind of stuff in it anyway, lol)! But it was really good! |
BCL16 chapter 1 . 9/7/2006 All your stories are great! I love Duty Before Honor the best. I used to be Daydreamer53221, so now everytime I review it will be my new penname. This is a great one-shot and I can't wait for you to write more stuff! |
Sery chapter 1 . 9/6/2006 This was soo good! awesome, really. The end was sad, but in my opinion perfect! Loved it! Sery~ |
feifu chapter 1 . 9/6/2006 Aw.. this is just so sad for Sakura. And in a way, for Sasuke too. I guess he really couldn't just forget years of hating his brother after one night - err make that a few hours? - with Sakura. But at least he knows that he has someone to go back to, right? If he survives the fight against Itachi and everything else? I love how you kept the two so much in character, and to think I don't usually like Sasuke _0 Keep writing, please? Any pairing would be okay, but I really do adore your KakaSaku fics best. |
hgdgljkhgffd chapter 1 . 9/6/2006 wow, that had to be the most awkward sex ever. I kinda like it though. |
Sonnie chapter 1 . 9/5/2006 Wow, I really enjoyed this fic. Angsty, in character...funny at moments and I can see Sakura thinking all those random thoughts during the act. |
Tiasha chapter 1 . 9/5/2006 Extremely well done. You portrayed Sakura's feelings oh so perfectly. :) |
Rene chapter 1 . 9/5/2006 poor her :( stupid Sasuke... way to break the girl's heart! -tear tear- |
Linny Chan chapter 1 . 9/5/2006 wow this was definatley a great idea and you portrayed it very well i'm impressed, keep writing friend lol i'm gay for writing this review but i had to let you know i liked this story alot |
shohei chapter 1 . 9/5/2006 You're a genius. That's probably the most amazingly written fanfic I've seen. And too sad... Thank you so much, I'm happy I could read something so great. |