Reviews for Inner Light
Rose-Aki chapter 1 . 8/12/2023
I love how you described such a romantic moment between Neji and Tenten through Sakura's eyes. It was so beautifully written.
Bob chapter 1 . 5/29/2022
This was a very unique concept, and I love how you wrote it! I don't usually care for Sakura, but the whole thing works so well together that, even with her in it, it was a VERY enjoyable read! Thank you for your story!
whipped4draco chapter 1 . 3/19/2019
This is entirely new! A nejiten fic written by someone else's point of view. Wow. You just keep blowing my mind. It was perfect. Short and bittersweet.
laila45 chapter 1 . 5/9/2014
Animefangirl95 chapter 1 . 9/2/2012
That was really pretty and I am in total agreement with Sakura
Just Lovely chapter 1 . 9/3/2011
I absolutely loved the use of Sakura's perspective in reference to her opinion and wish for the bonding of Tenten and Neji.

It was sweet, how her observations were more than the usual curious onlooker, she seemed like she had more to say. More to see than what she saw then. She was almost... analytical in her watching, as if testing if Neji and Tenten were right for each other, it reminded me of a Hyuuga elder doing so, seeing if Tenten was worthy enough, or some sort like that.

I loved the hand-motion, fingers working together to block the sun's rays; it seemed very symbolic, with how Sakura saw it.

This was written beautifully.
Wind Blown Dreamer chapter 1 . 1/9/2011
Wow, this story almost made me cry! Poor Neji and Tenten, having to hide in the shadows. Great story!
always-kh chapter 1 . 1/7/2011
cute but so sad. i like it though.
e1nav57 chapter 1 . 2/21/2010
aw...this is the first time i read a Nejiten fic viewed from another's perspective, and it was really good! I do feel bad for Neji and Tenten though, having to hide thier relationship, but surely, they'd end up together happily... just like their supposed to be. ! awesome!
Pyromaniac-Girl chapter 1 . 5/21/2008
That was a really sweet fic.

It is nice that they have some time out from training to relax.

I hope that you will have a good day!
Kannika chapter 1 . 4/13/2008
I hope Neji and Tenten can be together, too. They have to be! (I think Masashi Kishimoto will die at the hands of many mad Nejiten fans if they aren't together. XD) Nejiten forever!
mai.sturrrr chapter 1 . 1/15/2008
I loved this storyy [:
xfannyx chapter 1 . 1/2/2008
that is m FAVORITE story...]
Midnight Memories chapter 1 . 12/8/2007

I was thinking about sending you both a PM and a review, but I am sadly too lazy to do so. Therefore, all my words shall be placed here.

What a weird cooincidence that, out of every millions of authors here, I picked you to send a PM. XD What are the odds that you also held the story I was looking for! Hehe, thank you! The second I read the first line I was like, "Yes! That's the one!" woot! I got to finish it!

Now, onwards to the review!

As I rambled on in the PM I sent you before, I absolutely loved it. It was the first time that I had seen a Neji/Ten from Sakura's point of view, so the style itself was very nice also!

I worship your grammar/spelling. Your choice of words are always perfect, I envy you! Especially the part where you described their entwined hands blocking out the sun, then linking it all to their lives. How dare you think of something so creative and beautiful? This should be published, seriously. It doesn't belong in a fanfic site, though I'm really glad you placed it here!

About the genre of the story, I liked how you managed to go through emotions. The way that Sakura felt happiness, then went into a sadder feeling once she realized that Neji and Tenten would never be together again... it was just perfect. I could feel the pain myself and found out I was rather moved by it.

I'm glad you also kept the characters in character and you didn't bash Sakura. Most authors like to do so (I find myself included for a certain fic... *Slaps self* But... it was in the plot!) but you didn't. Also she's often portreyed(sp?) as a gossiper, yet you chose to make her turn around when Neji and Tenten kissed.

The fic was also well stretched out. Not too long, not too short. Just the perfect length for a perfect fic.

Don't know what else to say besides my overall review, 10/10. Definitely, no questions asked. There wasn't a single thing in there that I could critique.

Thanks again for answering my PM!

Take care!
HJWG chapter 1 . 4/24/2007
very good
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