Reviews for Shake on it
Guest chapter 1 . 7/16/2021
awwww...u made me cryyy...its so good
tigerlily124 chapter 1 . 6/16/2018
Good story! Thank you!
Katiewalters chapter 1 . 5/7/2018
Great switch around of the usual stories! I like that it is Harry caring for Snape, now. Good story!
witherwings1972 chapter 1 . 11/23/2017
Great story. love it.
whitee5 chapter 1 . 11/9/2017
Very good. I enjoyed this quite a bit
Rosaria Marie chapter 1 . 5/26/2017
At first, I was skeptical about this story, as I’m not usually a fan of Snape/Harry being portrayed as biological connected as father and son. However, it was written quite well, and I found myself chuckling at different points with regards to Harry facing the fact that the big, bad chemistry teacher is actually his dad! Quite a shock for both of them, I’d imagine! This also would put paid to all those “just like your father” snarks Snape gave him in the past! He must have been thinking…hmm…all his sand-paper tendencies are…from…?

Again, Voldemort comes off as such a psychopath! I mean, to force Snape and Lily to have sex with each other under a spell? What a sick mind! It also must make Harry feel pretty weird, too, knowing that he came into under those awful circumstances. But fortunately, Harry comes through as having a truly good heart and determining to live a good life, and one that does good for others. It was so touching watching him take care of Snape, and how they are slowly starting to bond.

What was also touching was for Dumbledore to have a chance at redemption as well. In this version, you really get the feeling that, while he was certainly rather manipulative, he didn’t really mean to hurt anyone, and that he did indeed care about Severus and Harry. Having them all join hands at the end was a wonderful way of having them all move forward together, difficult as it might be. I also really enjoyed getting to see the other characters happy and moving on in the aftermath of the war, and how Harry let Mrs. Weasley decorate his house and Hermione help build him a library! Fun stuff
Guest chapter 1 . 1/24/2017
I like that another nice story and potential to turn into a longer fix if need be. Good lay out and explanations well written. I would like to read more.
ntalcenent chapter 1 . 12/22/2016
I like this story too. Good ending.
Rodniffyrg chapter 1 . 8/28/2016
Love this! (:
jim chapter 1 . 8/24/2016
I love forgiveness stories, always clears the air and makes the sun shine.
fan chapter 1 . 7/2/2016
This is good but I think it could be even better. Part of the problem I have with it is the fact that Dumbledore got off so easily. I cant see Snape finding out what harrys childhood was like and coming within a mile without hexing him. harry and Snape reconciling though is very believable.
TimeyWimeyBadWolf chapter 1 . 3/8/2016
This is amazing! I loved it!
Noradin chapter 1 . 4/13/2015
There are inconsistencies in this about the time of the marriage in relation to the time Harry was conceived. The stories do not match in such an obvious way that it cannot be an mistake on their part.
lilyflower101 chapter 1 . 1/8/2015
love it! :)
Nicolas Long chapter 1 . 5/22/2014
Though the story was well done I do have a few point of discontent.

1)-No matter what Snape thinks actions done during Imperio or things that act like the Imperios curse are still crimes; what Snape did to Lily while she was captive WAS rape. Technically, it would have been rape on both sides as they were both non-consenting in their actions but it is still rape.

2)-Forgiving Dumbledore, or even giving him a second chance, is a stupid move. This is a man who knows that he can do anything to you and you will forgive him because you have so far; he used up his chances long ago, he doesn't deserve any more. That doesn't mean that they can't get along in a public setting by being cordial and courteous but it does mean that he doesn't deserve another get out of jail free card.

3)-Snape is NOT Harry's father. I know that many will disagree but just because he donated some sperm (raped someone) doesn't mean that he is A father. A father is someone who raise you and sacrifices for you, not just who looks over you because of a promise to a dead person. You don't have to be blood-related to someone to be their father; those who are adopted are perfect examples of this.

For all intents and purposes James is Harry's father; he is the one who provided for him (while he was alive), tried to provide for him in event of his death (had Dumbledore not ignore his wishes and kidnapped Harry it would have worked), gave him happiness and in the end sacrificed his life with only the thought of his wife and child. Even Snape only wanted to protect Lily's son, or train the savior in his 'duty' to the wizarding world, those aren't the actions of a father (even after he found out the truth).

Just like with Dumbledore they can coexist, they can even become friends but it isn't changing the fact that Snape is NOT Harry's father and it's an insult to his Real father (James) every time someone tries to claim otherwise. I've no doubt that Dumbledore told Harry the truth less to bond him and Snape together but instead to try and keep Harry bound to himself; Dumbledore was as much a master to Snape as Voldemort was and his loyalty would have kept Harry under Dumbledore's thumb.

Dumbledore's arrogance in assuming he had any say in what Harry was going to do or go (at the beginning of the story) only makes me think that that was the entire point in revealing the truth; he was afraid that Harry might have an independent thought and not want to keep doing Dumbledore's bidding. How he assumed that Harry was going to be so grateful at having a father that he'd ignore who he was, and how he treated him, is a great question but ultimately I still think it was a desperate bid in keeping Harry bound to him (Dumbledore).


As I said, this was good story and, for the most, part I did greatly enjoy it but there were also some point that I did dislike too. Regardless of the areas of my disappointment I am glad that you not only wrote this story but took the time and effort in posting for us readers; thanks, and keep up the hard work !
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