Reviews for Running Home
Guest chapter 34 . 1/7
you need to continue this story
Mando-Vet chapter 35 . 11/5/2024
Damn. I really liked this story
Mando-Vet chapter 1 . 11/5/2024
Helluva opening chapter!
Akren483 chapter 1 . 9/28/2024
I hope this message finds you well. I recently had the pleasure of reading your story, "Running Home" and was truly captivated by its unique narrative and creativity. The depth and imagination in your work inspired me alot. I think this is the best story which i never ever read the way you described and the emotions like each and everything is incredible. It's too good would love to hear about your upcoming stories. I'm an artist if you would like to give me a chance to draw some dope characters for your stories with in a good price that would be my honour to work with you also i'll share some dope ideas with you feel free to dm.

Discord: akren8_29921
Instagram: akren_art1
SailorPoison666 chapter 36 . 7/26/2024
Checking out the one on Ao3 this was good but reading it really gives Running Home Again some extra flavor.
SailorPoison666 chapter 11 . 7/23/2024
No one can deny the charm of Hedwig.
KimberlyJho-ann chapter 1 . 5/30/2024
I couldn't wait... so I'll read the one you based the story of.
thanks for sharing 3
Spade Zi chapter 1 . 2/1/2024
Just a Spade casually dropping by
BlackAngel00OfTheNight chapter 36 . 11/9/2023
I love it. Any update?
Guest chapter 10 . 8/4/2023
Welp congrats, you had him refuse ninja training, you just made this cross-over retarded and pointless, I'm out.
zkianpour371 chapter 36 . 3/31/2023
Awww man noo…..:(
Poplar4073 chapter 2 . 2/1/2023
Kinda annoyed he got nerfed, aka. all his stuff was taken away.
Gamma Cavy chapter 36 . 1/18/2023
Thank you for the heads up. See you on AO3.
CHRIS8477 chapter 35 . 1/6/2023
I really loved this new take on the two universes, but I wish things had worked for Harry and Sakura. I hope you finish your rewrites soon and get back to this story! KEEP UP THE AWESOME WORK!
X77g chapter 6 . 8/6/2022
Wait Kakashi and Iruka are gay in this story what? Or am I I just imagining things?
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