Reviews for Inescapable
greatestheights chapter 1 . 3/19/2007
Beautifully done.

This was poignant in the best way it could be, and the banter between the brothers flowed well. I especially loved Dean in this. There's so much depth to his character and so few explore it.

Excellent job!
Hiddenrelevance chapter 1 . 1/4/2007
Man I'm FINALLY getting to get some more reading done! This was wonderful and heart-tugging. We so rarely get to see Dean's softer side on screen and so far you always seem to fill that void for me!

Wow, you hit the nail on the head for me with the issue of Jo. And yes, I think the best way to put it is that she IS a Mary Sue. Not an OC (in fanfic terms), well done and hopefully with flaws.. she's a Mary Sue. That and she's well.. petulant is the only word I can use to describe her. EEK. You'd think with the examply they've already given us of Cassie as a woman Dean might actually stick with- they'd realize they need someone more independent and less.. well less Jo!
Emily chapter 1 . 10/29/2006
I think I might have left a review for this story before but wanted to say again I really liked it. I just left a review for your post SS story as well and forgot to mention I'm glad you are encouraging people to write about their dislike of the new characters. Is there any thread or board where this is being discussed as any kind of an organized thing?
My heart beats only for you chapter 1 . 10/24/2006
You write the best tags. I've added probably all of them to my coda C2. Awesome job. Thanks for sharing [:
L. C. Brotherton chapter 1 . 10/22/2006
What a beautiful job you've done in sharing some of Dean's grief! We know there is so much more roiling beneath the surface, and Sammy's going to find out sooner or later what John's last conversation was with Dean. When he does learn the truth, and I'm sure it won't be pretty-I know we can count on you to explore it properly.

I really liked the way you expressed Sam's feeling of being lost and spinning in the mud. Of course he wants to do SOMETHING, but in perilous and emotionally charged times like that, it's like the devil's own child trying to figure out WHAT that something should be. You nailed it!

Sam's mishap in the kitchen seems so in character and would be just the sort of thing to snap Dean back toward normalcy (at least what passes for normalcy for Dean).

Again, another great read!
Jellicle chapter 1 . 10/16/2006
Really nice one shot, as usual.
AbsolutAnda chapter 1 . 10/14/2006
Ugh those girl hunters pissed me off. Jo better not be their sister or anything. If she is I'm gonna be so pissed and egg Kripke's house. I can't stand that kind of drama.
Cupido chapter 1 . 10/10/2006
OH my god, I loved this story! It was great! Loved it. Now I SO need to check out your other stories. Keep doing tags and stuff, I loved episode tags!
Ella chapter 1 . 10/10/2006
I just had to say this is an excellent story.

I totally agree with your thoughts about Jo. I'm sorry but no. And you're right one of the reasons we love Dean is because he IS a scamp. Don't be tying him down or taming him, don't be giving him long term love interests. That's just wrong. It takes away from the essense of what makes Dean DEAN. I've sent my letter already. :D
KatieLB chapter 1 . 10/9/2006
another good little missing scene... like how you have bobby written and you have the boys down ...even the new emotion not sure whats happening dean down pretty well... good job
Kaewi chapter 1 . 10/9/2006
I really really liked this little story. You really are amazing at voicing these characters!

NC Girl chapter 1 . 10/9/2006
Wow, I absolutely LOVE these 2 lines about the car:

"A twisted and mangled steel tribute to how Dean felt on the inside. Another reminder his family had once again been blind-sided by fate. "

Thank you, as always, for continuing to write and post.
Entaria chapter 1 . 10/9/2006
omg. that was so good. and sad. ugh, why did they have to kill john? he was so cool. i was so pissed when he died, i was loking foreward to the rumoured larger part he was getting now that he was killed off grey's anatomy. anyway, i'm not sure about the new hunters, but i think they'll be alright. i hope they're in there more, but not every episode, just popping up once in a while like john did in the first season. and ash is great. he so wierd, and smart. it's not fair, why are all the wierd guys smart? anyway, this was so good, i must now go check out your other fics.
LoveJeter chapter 1 . 10/9/2006
Great fic! I love the "what happened after Dean beats the hell outta the Impala" continuation that we won't get to see on the show. Both guys are dealing with their grief in their own way but they are dealing. They just don't always like to talk about how they are dealing. I find it funny how Sam wants Dean to open up about dealing with John's death and yet Sam was quiet as a mouse dealing with Jessica's death.
Lilly B chapter 1 . 10/9/2006
Great oneshot tag of the second episode. i really liked your take on dean's feelings on his dad's death and his responsibility to sammy. great job!
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