Reviews for Dancing in the Dark
Guest chapter 7 . 4/28/2015
Guest chapter 1 . 4/26/2015
looved it! :3 the flow of the story us smooth and i especially loved the interaction between Katara and Zuko. HAHAHA so much sass right there. hihi. :3 i'm going to go on ahead and read the other chapters and try my best to comment on each. kudos bb! :3 -crs
Whelp chapter 1 . 4/16/2015
I just finished the story, and let me say, damn you. All of that, and that's it? I wanted to see what happened next, but there's nothing there. I'm begging you, PLEASE CONTINUE THIS. IT'S FANTASTIC AND I WANT SO BADLY TO SEE HOW IT ALL TURNS OUT. PLEASE.
Guest chapter 7 . 3/31/2015
I've really gotten into your story, I've been reading it straight through school lol! I love it and I wish there was more! I just finished it and now I'm sitting here grinning like an idiot. It's a great story and if you wrote this because you were bored then I'm certainly going to check out your other fanfictions! thanks for writing!
Docaan chapter 7 . 3/25/2015
This was fucking amazinnggggg, I'm in love with it dear god I need moooreeee
Nymeria Rhyone chapter 7 . 3/20/2015
Wow! I can't even...
You're just wonderful!
That was an amazing ending!
Is there going to be a sequel?
Nymeria Rhyone chapter 6 . 3/20/2015
Omg! Simply amazing so far!
Off to rad the last chapter...
Nymeria Rhyone chapter 3 . 3/19/2015
Oh how cute, he has her necklace...
Something tells me I'm gonna love the nest chapter
Nymeria Rhyone chapter 2 . 3/18/2015
Wow, the end to this chapter was really romantic. I guess now I understand where the title of the fic comes from.
Off to read the third chapter now...
ellce chapter 7 . 3/1/2015
My first zutara story and I couldn't of asked for more. You got their characters lersonalities so perfectly and I was fangirling the entire time. Thx for a great read
elizaka chapter 7 . 2/5/2015
The story was phenomenally well written! Great job :)
juliathezutara chapter 7 . 2/1/2015
Ohmygod I hate u sooooo much for this last cliffhanger! But damn can u write! I must f freaked out ten times over solo many parts in this. Plzzzzz write more more more!
Princess Jalice chapter 2 . 1/3/2015
Oh my word! This chapter was soooooo romantic! And I see the title of the fic! Thank you for writing.
Believe11magic chapter 7 . 1/4/2015
Wowowow OMG that ending was so good wow; fabulous story bravo! It's my new favorite.
Guest chapter 7 . 12/29/2014
This is my absolute favorite fic ever! I adore all or your writings! Please write a sequel, please?!
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