Reviews for Dr Gregory House vs Edward Elric
Nef D chapter 1 . 4/15/2009
Hey, this is Teresa (*is too lazy to login*)

OMG, poor Ed had his bottom probed... xD But you know, a man doesn't have to have his prostate examined until he's like 40 ."

Prostate cancer does not appear before that age, so...

But hahaha, poor Ed XD

(hey, I like briefs! briefs are like boxers but they're tight, right? My boyfriend wears those *totally random info* and they're sexeh stuff P)

You reminded me of that fantastic line of : "Finding Nemo"

*cracks up laughing*
Shinzochi chapter 2 . 3/5/2009

I was literally laughing for an hour and 45 minutes. Please let there be more chapters to this fic cause i would love to see what you would have happen next.
Orange Singer chapter 2 . 1/6/2009
Oh my god...he walked NAKED in a public hospital? Priceless. Freakin' awesome story. I loved how House returned Ed's rant with one of his own.
EowynsPen chapter 2 . 1/1/2009
whooplord chapter 2 . 12/28/2008
This was amazazing. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT! It was completely in character!
TheUserDNE chapter 2 . 11/19/2008
Very House-like. XD
TheUserDNE chapter 1 . 11/19/2008
That was excelent. Very in character for both of them. I can't wait to read the next chapter! XD


Cheza the Flower Maiden chapter 2 . 11/18/2008
That was hilarious. great job.
hell-of-a-gal chapter 2 . 11/14/2008

thats really clever and funny!
Orabit chapter 2 . 8/30/2008

This is so damn funny I have to put my head in a pillow to stop

keep it coming
wishfulliving89 chapter 2 . 8/17/2008
love the story. very funny.
Cyblade Silver chapter 1 . 5/16/2008
This is one of the funniest crack crossovers I've ever read. :D I don't watch House, but you've got Ed's mannerisms down pat. ;D
Lazzle-bee chapter 1 . 4/18/2008
OMG OMG OMG! another fma house crossover! woot! i have only ever found one and thought there was no more no matter how hard i looked!

that was so funny and great! thank you for writing it!

Asj Johnson chapter 1 . 4/15/2008
Hmm... I don't think House believes in dimensional portals. (although, I probably had Ed get used to them too easily in one of my fics... oh wait. I did find out later that there's actually one in the series. Ed was still freaked out by it in the series, though.) I'd have liked to see House explaining to himself that it's only an hallucination caused by stress or something. (and the thing near the end about introducing stuff if they don't have it in Central would still work if he thought it was a dream)

Hee, hee... Two of my favorite characters yelled at each other. :P (now if I could throw in Kaiba, Kai, and some others... No. Kaiba would like to make Ed mad (kind'a like Mustang), but Kai would just ignore him and not talk to him. So, that wouldn't work.)

Hmm... I wonder if House had a hard time taking a blood sample. On the other hand, probably not. Ed hates needles, but House would probably knock him out and do it if he had to.

Why in the world did Ed tell House to make sure Mustang takes off his gloves? I thought Ed would Want Mustang to scorch him. I'd think something more cryptic would be more interesting... something that'd have House pondering over what he could mean, but, although a hint about the gloves, nothing about the gloves being bad... Maybe something like "I hope you have fun with the colonel's special gloves" or something of that sort... I donno. I'm bad at actually thinking of things.
thebestIcan chapter 1 . 4/7/2008
OMG! My two favorite things combined into one! House and FMA! I loved it, laughed so hard! Good job!
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