Reviews for The Smell of the Goblin's Breath |
NoctisStella20 chapter 1 . 10/22/2013 Hell yeah, I would like to see more! What an amazing story! And very original I must say- I love it! |
LadyTyrant chapter 1 . 3/31/2009 I loved it. I was confused for a while since your summary said JarethXOC but this was genius! I would love you to write more. |
Loviatar chapter 1 . 10/29/2006 Beautifully done. I loved this so much! |
Random Insane Person chapter 1 . 10/23/2006 Quite a unique little tale, isn't it? I very much so enjoyed it, although I was sorry it did not go on longer. You must continue! |
Lacessit chapter 1 . 10/21/2006 You see, when I first began reading this, I thought the guy was going to be Jareth. All I was thinking was 'Great, another JarethxOC' BUT! No, it was not Jareth, but Toby. I loved that. When I first realized it was Toby, I gasped. Literally, I was like ' .Gawd! No way.' Great story, I loved it. And I'd LOVE to see more of Donna and Goblin Toby x |