Reviews for In The Right of Way
athenaowlery chapter 1 . 8/20/2016
This is such a sweet piece! I'm still a hardcore Tyhil shipper but MaxHil is so...sweet! And there were so many moments in the fic that made me smile and chuckle! It's a beautiful piece of writing.
pyro-rocketeer chapter 1 . 2/28/2016
This is like 10 years old, and I've read it nearly 3-4 times.
It still manages to reduce me to a sap. it had such an innocent, fun teen romance element! And I cracked up at the "tampons" bit. ahhh ty for writing this!
Luxraylover chapter 1 . 6/24/2015
It's incredible absolutely marvelous and any other adjective that would go along with that line. It's been almost mine years till it's written and i sure loved every part of it and wouldn't change it for the world. It's perfect really. It's a commendable effort to put it in words and even more brilliant to pull it off so smoothly as not many paired then and most of them aren't for cut. But this really is the best story I've read after "Unforeseen Love" (A Kai/Mariah pairing). I'm usually up for unconventional pairing and these two are my most favorite ones in this section.
So thank you so very much and I don't know you'll read this or not but I felt like thanking you and let you know how great it really was.I wish you write more on them but that's clearly not the case and won't happen but I hope the ones who read this nine years prior to me had done a good conscious effort of praising you for this. Well in a way I can't thank enough but still I'm going to favorite it.
Crush-Chan17 chapter 1 . 6/25/2014
This is so damn adorable! And so well written. You did such an amazing job with this. It just made me fall even more in love with MaxHil pairing.
KrillinMK chapter 1 . 2/15/2013
this was so cute! and realistic! i can see this happening XD
kickstartmyhart chapter 1 . 2/15/2011
Very cute! :)
N.L.N chapter 1 . 10/21/2010
I liked it
Kiotana chapter 1 . 5/19/2009
SQUEE! I enjoyed that! I love the mud scene and I burst out laughing when he wore the heels! LOL! Wonderful fic 3
stephie 23 chapter 1 . 4/8/2009
Fantastic :) first beyblade fic i was ableto read :P so good :)
deftchinchilla chapter 1 . 4/5/2009
Wow! This is absolutely adorable! I had never really given Hillary and Max much thought before as a couple, but they really do compliment one another, don't they? I totally support this pairing more than Tyson and Hillary. It just makes perfect sense! Techno, you write some of the very best fanfics I've ever laid eyes on. I hope you write more like this one in the future.

Have a lovely day. :)
steph300 chapter 1 . 8/24/2008
aw so cute! great work!
MyCurrentObsession chapter 1 . 7/9/2008
I love this story SO much! It's completely adorable and Max/Hilary is a really awesome pairing! I added this story to my C2, so I hope you don't mind. I also faved it! Anyway, great story! You should definately write another Max/Hil! That pairing is so underloved... Well, keep up the great work!
Tsuki no Itsumo chapter 1 . 6/18/2008
normally i really don't like this combination (max x hil) but really... you made it sound so great :D love it I've started to change my mind about them XD
Leina chapter 1 . 12/4/2007
Fanfiction cut my review! I just said that I do vaguely remember Max was saying Hilary was cute, but I don' know which episode! I've always thought they were good together though... their personalities go together quite nicely -
Leina chapter 1 . 12/3/2007
That was so funny and fluffy~!
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