Reviews for Saving your life
rustler.daniela chapter 1 . 10/7
What a brilliant story... Love it
Guest chapter 28 . 7/26
Well if Potter blames Snape for his dogfather’s death I would say it’s his own fault too. Too stupid to listen to reason and nearly kill all of his friends along with Black
Santanasev109 chapter 65 . 2/24
This was so good. I agree with a previous post it was incredible to watch the writing growth journey as well. Well done! Thank you for writing and sharing this.
iliketypeo chapter 65 . 8/7/2023
Awww, this was such a good read! I didn't realize that this work took you 2 years but as the story went on, your writing grew stronger and stronger. I can't wait to read more of your work!
Ypm1 chapter 1 . 5/12/2023
I was so excited when I found this gem on Ashwinder, I was 100% invested and it was excellent chapter after another. I didn’t realize it wasn’t complete but I found it on FFN so I could subscribe and I really hope you pick it up again. I so want that HEA. I love their chemistry and how drawn they are to each other.
alannalove1990 chapter 2 . 4/24/2023
Oh Hermione
alannalove1990 chapter 1 . 4/24/2023
Guest chapter 65 . 10/7/2022
This story! Thank you so much for writing it.
Silk Voice and Curls chapter 63 . 9/14/2022
I feel like she's being more of a nuisance than of help
Silk Voice and Curls chapter 55 . 9/13/2022
The heck, Severus almost died! she's being so unfair!
Silk Voice and Curls chapter 48 . 9/13/2022
Ron, fucking stupid
Silk Voice and Curls chapter 49 . 9/13/2022
Why am I so happy when she called him a "bloody idiot" lol. I think it's sweet!
Silk Voice and Curls chapter 45 . 9/13/2022
jealous eh?
Silk Voice and Curls chapter 44 . 9/13/2022
Oooh! LQ
Silk Voice and Curls chapter 38 . 9/11/2022
Lol telling Bellatrix to behave herself is just funny
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